Ted N.
I personally don’t like gyms because of what you’re saying and I also find them super expensive. Have you tried running/walking round your local neighbourhood? I find that that makes things more interesting especially in a new place! Can really help to get the know the place too. A couple resistance bands or free weights or even just following some body weight exercises online (joe wicks,bas I’m sure you’ve heard, is fantastic) can make all the difference. That way you can listen to whatever music, no more awkward eye contact with people, no more boring talk radio in the background and certainly no more stares.
Variety is the spice of life and I feel you that the more control = the more variety so home is perfect for me in that sense.
Sorry if this answer isn’t helpful, all the best of luck, you got this! 😉 x
Andreas T.
I actually like to go to gym, to me it's better than work out at home. I wear earphones so I don't need to listen the bad music of them and don't need to talk to anyone.
Megan Z.
Create a music playlist with fast paced music that makes you feel like a boss! Alternatively you could listen to podcasts or an audiobook and tune out the world around you.
Najee O.
Its not the gym thwt is boring, its the belief system in play thats causing this. For now on say this phrase: I use to believe that the gym is boring, but now I'm starting to realize how fun it is. What this will do is train the mind to see the fun in the gym
Sterre S.
I don’t go to the gym. I work out at home. I love the quiet. Maybe you can learn to love and see it as something you do for alone time at the gym? Or work out at home?
Ernesta F.
Try and listen to a show you love as if it is a podcast. You can also always make a perfect music playlist or listen to audiobooks. You can also find a new buddy and this would also be a great opportunity to make friends in your new neighborhood 😊
Tyler C.
Setting goals is a good way to keep motivated in the gym. Even better than going to the gym, try to find a sport you enjoy I personally recommend cycling as it is my favorite. Trying a variety of different sport a few times each and sticking with the one you enjoy most is a great way to build fitness and new skills
Be L La N.
I may not be able to give you the answer. But I agree with you, that I don’t find gym motivating for me. Unless you may have to find a premium gym that offers beautiful ambience. Yet, that might come with higher price. For me, I am still finding other ways to work out beyond going to the gym.
Chris C.
I brought the gym to me. Whether it's a boxing bag or a yoga mat if your serious you have to invest in you. You're going to pay that monthly subscription at the gym to drive there and work out right?! Why not save it and invest in bringing the gym to you. Let's be honest there is a lot going on at the gym. When your set up to win at home. Focus is easier to maintain leading to smaller consistencies for greater change. Even if you mess up forgive yourself and jump right back in!
Jaci A.
I have never been to the gym. I find it boring and judgemental, so I figure if I want to better myself, then why would I willingly go to a place I have no interest in or where people around me look down their nose at me because I'm overweight or can't do the full range of excercise. I like doing my own thing and so far the Fabulous ap is a godsend!
Chris N.
I download Netflix episodes I want to watch, and only let myself watch them on the treadmill or stationary bike. I do 10 mins of weights before and 10 minutes after, always with a podcast I find inspiring or interesting.
But if the gym bores you, it may be too much to fight against that to build a sustaining habit. Maybe try a class or swimming. Or your old gym buddy and you can schedule a call while you both walk.
But if the gym bores you, it may be too much to fight against that to build a sustaining habit. Maybe try a class or swimming. Or your old gym buddy and you can schedule a call while you both walk.