I find it very difficult to start my morning habit and to carry on to the end. Today it is 2 o’clock in the afternoon and I have just now finished everything in my morning routine. And that’s another day shot. Does anyone else have this problem?How do I get started earlier in the morning, and not keep stopping and wandering off and doing other things?

Jorge P.
If your morning routine is that difficult to see through to the end, then it might be good to reevaluate and scale back the habits you are including. It should flow naturally from one habit to the next, so if your goal is to have it in it's current form, the best way to achieve that is to scale it back to something easily manageable, then slowly reintroduce your other habits one at a time.
Loane S.
I’m the same way don’t beat yourself up.. progress is progress.. anything is better then nothing. For me I think Of this app as a game and I want to see what happens at the end so I try to use it and follow the steps but sometimes I mess up and that’s ok just try again
Clifford F.
I have this problem all the time. It's easy to set a plan but unfortunately for a plan to become a habit it's difficult. My trick for not ruining my day is to have a good sleep the previous day. Just remember, before you sleep, always think of a good memory.
Glen X.
Is hard, what I found works the best for myself is three things:

1- Cut Distractions:
Put your phone on airplane mode or find a way you don't get distracted by the phone itself. Then if you have family around do a gathering and tell them, while I'll be doing my morning routine just talk to me for a "good morning" but anything else it can wait until I've finished.

2- Time everything:
Put an amount of time for every action that way you'll see the sum of it and know where you have to finish approximately. If you see you always take me time then find which tasks are taking longer than you thought and adjust them until you find the real time for your routine.

3-Have an appointment:
I found out that the days I had an appointment ,and I has to leave home let's say at 9am, if my routine takes 1 hour,I would wake up at 7:50, and I would rock that day the morning routine as in my head I knew I couldn't need with it. If you don't have any appointment, you can try to fake it, either put a "celebration time" in your calendar as an event, and think at 9am I need to be by the car even though you don't have, take it as a finish line.

Finally, if you take longer, it's okay sometimes it happens to me too, but is not a big deal, at the end you are doing great things for yourself and that's beautiful!

Gabriella J.
Prioritize what is most important to you. Perhaps the routine is too long and you need to remove some activities…you can always add more once you have the shorter routine as a habit
Maya Y.
Today is my fourth day in a row waking up early and getting things going. Five days ago, my wife gave me The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. The back cover made some almost ridiculous promises, but I am finding that the book is actually living up to all of them except one so far (and I haven't even finished reading it yet). I would very strongly encourage you to check out www.MiracleMorning.com.

If you decide to try it, and you want a Miracle Morning Accountability Partner, you can email me at [email protected].

Amalie P.
I wonder if you have a morning routine that goes beyond what you really need to start the day. Part of what was ppwerful for me about Fabulous was that I was completing small activities that helped me get my day off to a good start. Could you adjust your morning down to a few things that you need to focus on to get off to a good start?
Christian T.
I would shorten your list of goals and or the amount of time you plan to spend on each… pre prepare thoughts for a healthy breakfast so you are not wondering around the kitchen distracted by what you are going to have choose a 5 min work out instead of a 20 for the first few days make it you goal to just attempt to do your goals of you do not get to them or if you don't do it to the extent you was planing its okay the idea is that you tried and thought about it the more you try and the more you think about it the closer you will get to it I made my list of goals for morning and evening but I did not complete them all until a week or two into setting them meaning I might of got 3 goals one day 5 the next day 0 goals done another but I kept waking up and trying and the dad I did not check eaxk one off I did not beat myself up about it just simple said tomorrow I'll try again…. if your thoughts and your heart is in it your head and body will soon follow the key is not perfection but motivation and perseverance
Shannon P.
I start with lower number of habits to begin with! Beat them down into a routine and then add others! Start small and get a taste of success! Proceed then with confidence!
Conny J.
Hey I have the same problem! Just go a little more easy on yourself! Take as long as you need to finish your routine. As long as you finish, that’s what counts
Ninon Z.
Try doing one thing you like and you will not linger it. Like i have to go and drop my daughter to school. So i have to get out and when i do. I am likel i am out ao better get the things done
Rosa Z.
Every evening, i take two seconds to put a glass of water by the bed and put water in the kettle (my morning routine is water, tea, meditation). The key for me to get the morning meditation done is the doing it straight away when I wake up. I reach and grab my glass of water, then get up and make a cup of tea or hot lemon water, I sit back in bed or on a chair and start my meditation (I use Headspace for that). Then it’s so satisfying to click done done and done on the morning routine ones! I still go off track but those are things that work for me.
Jordan G.
I have definitely had this problem. Oh the irony of starting a morning routine to feel better but then getting stressed by how long it takes! I'm with you 🙂 what helped me the most is scaling down. For example, before I was trying to do an hour or yoga, 30m meditation, 20m of writing, 30m of cardio and make a nice breakfast. This just ended up stressing me out.

So I do less. 5m meditation, 5m cardio, 10m writing, and I do yoga in the evenings or go to the pool. The small goal takes the stress away so I always get the satisfaction of completing my morning routine. Also, with such small goals I tend to go over 5m when I have the time and am feeling good. It's way less pressure.
We don't need to win at self care 🙂

Another thing I found helpful that I've touched on is splitting up habits. Some in the morning, others before bed. Cardio in the AM, meditation in the evening.

Last thing: you're amazing and doing better than you think!

Lois U.
I try to do my routine no matter what time it is. The important thing for me is not to break the chain, it does not matter when I do it.
Gaspard Y.
Don’t feel bad! Rather than starting earlier, perhaps this is a good opportunity to review what habits you’ve added to your Morning Routine, and see if they would be better added to a routine for later in your day, a break or afternoon routine. You may have been too ambitious about what you can realistically achieve in a busy day.
Remember you can add, remove, and reorder your habits, and also change their duration in each routine.
Best wishes.
Juliette A.
I think flow is really important in getting the habits done. I organized mine so that it flows and I just feel like I'm marking things off my list. For example, I have it set to drink water, weigh myself, etc and all bathroom things at one time. Then I can move on to the next thing. Hope that helps.
Rosalie F.
I make my morning habit part of my morning routine. I set the time for the habits to appear on my phone at the same time my alarm goes off. This is so that when I wake up the first things I do are habits. And those habits become apart of my routine. Sure sometimes I'll do some and wander off doing other things as well. But that happens less often because of how early I start the habits. I also integrate some of the habits into my original morning routine. Makes it feel more natural. Some days I'll forbid myself from doing something (like getting a cup of coffee) until I've finished. That helps too. But in my opinion, what's most important is making the habits your own. When you make them your own, you do them naturally even without the app.
Flora Y.
I do the same thing but I don't think it is a problem. I often have to be at work at 5am so waking EARLIER than I do is just not going to happen. Everyone's lives are different. Find a time to do things that works in your schedule. Prioritize things in the morning that must be done then then rearrange habits. This app puts EVERYTHING in the morning. For instance, it is more helpful for me to meditate in the afternoon when I have finished part of my day and have the rest to look forward to. It helps me gain balance, replenish and reevaluate. So I guess, my answer is to keep you in mind when you make schedules.
Caroline O.
Maybe theres too much items in your morning routine or some of them are too long to fit there? I had this kind of problem. Moved morning journal to the evening routine. Shortened morning meditation to 3-4 minutes (I use headspace). It's perfectly fits now. Getting feeling of acompleshment in the morning. Going to change something later, after morning routine would become a stable thing.
Cord F.
I experience something similar. Maybe try to break the morning routine into smaller pieces. You could do some tasks at lunch. Or take a step back, and go back to basic routine, as much as you can do in one go and add from there, once you get the habit
Nadeschda T.
I have this issue too sometimes. I love to sleep, so getting up incredibly early is not an option for me, but I also have to be at work by 9 am on my scheduled days. Here are some ideas that have been helpful for me. 1) Make a list- this helped me sort out and prioritize my routine. List everything, include the time each task usually takes, and then put them in order by importance. 1 being the most important thing for your morning routine, the last one may be something you don't nevessarily have to do every single day. 2) Find the shorter timed meditations and stretches, its less important the amount of minutes you spend doing it, and more important that you practice it consistently. 3) Change it up- self care is super important so don't eliminate it. Make it work for you. If you miss something in the morning, add it in the afternoon or into your night time routine. Find the things on your list that are less time sensitive and more flexible. This is not about procrastination but about making yourself a priority. Then you will be able to go about the tasks of your day with great energy and a focused mindset, increasing efficiency and decreasing distractions. It may also be helpful to list those things that are distracting to you, and either do them before your self care, or put them somewhere else in your day so that you can do your self care knowing those things are either already taken care of, or they at least have a plan to get attention. One last tip: just keep going! It does get easier with time, and the more you train your mind and body, the more willing it becomes to cooperate. Even for just a few minutes a day, invest in the process and it will payoff!