I can’t seem to quiet my mind during meditation. How do I just STOP thinking. Also how do I prevent myself from falling asleep in the process?

Marilce A.
First, take a few deep breaths. Be mindful that you are relaxed, calm and safe. You are beginning the process of letting go of any angst that keeps you from relaxing.

Aiden U.
Try just focusing on your breathing do a meditation without the voice if that’s too distracting if you fall asleep that’s okay

Lilian Q.
The problem is that you’re TRYING to stop thinking. You’re mind will never stop thinking; however, you can detatch from your thoughts and observe them. It’s like being in an argument with a person who enjoys arguing. The only way to end it is to stop trying to make them shut up and to simply step away. Meditation is not to control your thoughts, but to stop your thoughts from controlling you.

Tony O.
Relax all of your muscles. Focus only your inhaling and exhaling. Breath in and say it to yourself “in”. Breath out and say it to yourself “out”. Say those words in your mind slowly and gently.

Elias A.
In meditation I don’t always stop the thinking, but I can slow it down and not let my thoughts consume my time. I let what happens just happen and not judge myself. I also use a method of let my thoughts float away like leaves on a stream. By not dwelling on them , they just drift away. I do sometimes fall asleep. It’s ok. My body needed the sleep. It also tells me I need to get more sleep. A good meditation is one where your mind gets to take a break – even if for only a short while – from the steady steam of thoughts that flow through it during a typical day. Enjoy it! It helps your entire day.

Elina A.
Meditation is NOT about stopping thinking. I suggest you watch the info-videos by Headspace, they have lots of lots of good tips and facts about meditation. Keep it up! If you are trying to meditate, you already do meditate. 🧘🏼‍♀️

Gerhard O.
It seems to be less about stopping thinking all together, and more about having a constant to return to when you realize that your mind is wandering.

I usually start with counting inhales and exhales until I get to 10, then start over again. That way, when my mind wanders, I know I can just start at one again. That way, I don't feel like I'm losing progress so much as I'm regaining focus.

Regarding falling asleep, I usually time it so that I still have to brush my teeth, or turn out the lights. I also find sitting instead of lying down usually helps. I definitely still fall asleep from time to time, but when I wake up, I just try to laugh and do better next time!

Herbert X.
Well to quit thinking while meditating focus on your breath. Count every breath and focus on that. If you fall asleep its okay your completely calm. But your mind will wander if you are a person who thinks a whole lot it will be hard to calm your mind. It helps me to goto the calm place in my mind. It might help you as well. If you start falling asleep stand and stretch.

Betino Q.
You won’t be able to stop thinking. Meditation is about concentrating on your breath and body sensations. When thoughts do arise, bring your attention back to your breath. Try not to worry about the thoughts that come to you, remain calm and centered as you observe them from afar and go back to your breathing. Practice meditation sitting comfortably on the floor, you can sit on a cushion to avoid leg pain or on a chair with both feet flat on the ground, on either one keep your spine straight but relaxed. This positions should avoid making you sleepy, also remember not to take any medications that can make you drowsy or it will be harder to stay awake.

Jerry Z.
During meditation, you should focus on your breathing. How your breath goes in and comes out. You shouldn't force it but observer your abdomen movements, your chest. Often, in the initial stages, you'll easily be distracted but don't be hard on yourself or quit. The moment you realize you are distracted, start focusing again. With time, you'll be better. If you are doing mediation in morning, then do it after you are fully awake. After waking up, drink water and walk around for a while, then meditate. If it is at night, it helps if you are in mediumly warm place rather than cooler places if you have ac on switch it off and try mediation. As warmer places are less sleep inducing. But nothing above works, then I'll recommend you to try these meditation apps like calm which have a narrator. You can wear headphones and meditate as they speak, which will keep you focused. Hope, I was helpful.

Querubim P.
You can write in your journal of all the things that worries you and bothers you. Once you write it in your journal, just leave it there.

Marco F.
Try to think about your present only. With this you have to focus to the sound coming from inside your body and change the focus to lower frequency to higher frequency but loud to soft, like breathing then heartbeat.

Catharina Y.
Unlike what Proffessor Snape says “CLEAR YOUR MIND!” isn’t applicable to everyone. Sometimes it’s best to not force yourself to stop thinking, and instead try and focus on something else. Try and meditate while sitting cross cross on the floor with your eyes closed, focus on your breathing, deep breath in deep breath out. Or place something like a candle in front of you and focus your eyes on that along with the breathing. If that doesn’t work then just flow with your thoughts and gently direct them back to focusing on your breathing. I’ve found the app headspace great as a beginner meditator. Anyways go to your destiny and find all the calm and happiness you seek!

Anne Marie R.
I think the aim of meditation is just to let them be there and turn back to the meditation. But the stress type of guided meditations helps me to reduce them too.

Vanessa F.
Focus on your breathing and try your best to block out all outside distractions. I imagine a little bubble around me that muffles sound to the point of near-silence, and it seems to work pretty well. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to at least stop yawning during meditation.

Martinho C.
This what you need to do. First put yourself in a relaxation position. Rest your hands and begin to breath gentle. Concentrate on your breathing pattern and try to follow it. It is normal to loose concentration on the rhythm of your breath but ones noticed quickly revert and focus on it.

Also in the act of meditation it's allowed to think deeply about something. I do that in order not to fall asleep. I practically go through the entire day over again starting from the first thing I did when I woke up to the last thing before the meditation. The incredible aspect is that the brain is able to recall names of people you met for the first time, unusual incidents that occurred and colours.

Do this and I'm sure you will be able to achieve your goal.


Cl Ment Y.
I understand what you mean, but you really just have to let yourself go into the meditation. Really focus on the words and calming music and just feel the weight of your life be lifted off your shoulders.

Nikolaj C.
Meditation has many purposes, but stop thinking is not one of them. So whenever a thought comes into your mind, recognize it and let it go, so you can go back and focus on your breathing.

Louison E.
You cant stop the distractions, it's all about identifying them and letting them pass and return to your breath. Start off with one minute at a time. Use a timer. Guided meditations are also great. To stay awake do the meditation sitting, not laying down, keep your back straight, focus on keeping an upright posture.

Holly C.
The aim of meditation isn't always to stop thinking. Thoughts will always intrude in meditation. This needs to be accepted in the beginning. If you are finding the thought distracting. Write it down. I have a notebook or my journal handy to write in my thoughts to reflect later on. If it was important enough to float into the meditation then it may need acknowledging or dealing with.

In terms of falling asleep maybe do short meditations first aimed at energizing or making you think and save the relaxing ones for when falling asleep wouldn't be an issue as such

Devon O.
Look for guided meditation sessions in internet, and try to pay attention to what you feel and any white noise in the room you choose to meditate (calm and without interruptions)

Jandira N.
I feel like the best way to clear your mind is by listening to the meditation sounds and making that your focus. It’s important to relax and falling asleep can happen. If you have trouble with this, I would recommend meditating in an upright position.

Charlotte C.
I get distracted a lot and side track to the monkey mind, I don’t really have any problems with falling asleep during meditation but I just have to get my mind to focus on the breath

Julie F.
Just. Stick. With. It.
As you keep meditating, let the thoughts come, and then let them go. Don’t bother to trying to *stop* thinking, just stop holding on to them. Imagine the thought as a butterfly: let it land in your hand, acknowledge it, and then let it fly away. As you continue this process, not attached to a specific outcome or timeline, the thoughts will slowly lessen.
Journaling will help, as will keeping an organized to-do list and/or planner, as will talking about feelings with friends. Many of the incessant thoughts we ruminate on are symptoms of feelings we haven’t fully allowed ourselves to express. When we feel it, we heal it.
The main thing, however, is to love yourself, be compassionate with your progress, and just stick with it, no matter what.
Keep it up!

Manon O.
I think that wonderinf thoughts are normal, the goal is to keep them back. Sometimes I do fall asleep, it means that I am completely relaxed.
….or maibe to tired 😉