How much exercise do you do in the morning? A short ten minutes to wake up the body or a full workout?

Andrea B.
A small amount to help warm my body up but not to much that I’ll loose all my energy. My current routine is 5 push ups, 5 crunches, 5 squats and a 50 second plank.
Adam X.
Good question I do exercise almost every morning it’s one of my things I do thank you for sending me this question byeeee😊✨
Aaron N.
I don’t really exercise in the morning I eat breakfast then have a 10/15 minute Walk to the gym then get a full workout in.
Royal G.
A short 10 minutes. I feel more better and active than doing a full body workout that can last 25 minutes to an hour. I do have others things to do in the morning so a 10 minute workout helps me throughout the morning.
Annya X.
I prefer to do a short and not that intense of a workout, like yoga. If I were to do a more intense or longer workout, I know my energy would take a giant leap down immediately after the workout, causing me to have a bad start of my day. Besides, yoga makes my mornings more calm and positive 🙂
Nancy P.
Consistency is my biggest issue regarding exercise and I have never made it to the 30 day mark to establish a habit. I tend to go to the gym hard for about a week once a month, with the intention of it being long-term but it is what it is.
Teresa F.
It depends of my energy level and my day plan. Sometimes its just a quick warm up or lazy stretching and sometimes i do a full workout.
Clayton U.
I’m working on transitioning to a short workout around 10 minutes right when i wake up, lately i have been doing a full weight training as i drive to the gym before my errands of the day!!
Shaki F.
I think a short ten minutes is good some movement always better than none! I personally go to the gym and workout for about a hour
Baylie N.
This depends on how energized I feel in the mornings. My goal is to always do a minimum of 10 minutes of yoga. Sometimes once I get started I keep going.
Lilly M.
I just walk a bit honestly, to my bus or just stretch or dance to my music in the morning, maybe a bit yoga but nothing much
Anabelle P.
I don’t do the workouts that most people do. I do yoga sessions in the morning. Normally the yoga I do in the morning is not too hard on the body, so I do a harder yoga workout in the afternoon whenever I have time. So, it depends really on your personal preferences; do whatever you feel is good enough for your body to feel benefits and at the same time not be too hard on you in the morning.
Parisa F.
It really depends sometimes I do a full workout and sometimes I workout to wake up my body so like about 15 minutes or even 10 sometimes #followme
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Danny W.
In my opinion I think you should do a ten minute workout because you will probably just get sore and won't be able to do anything else
Malthe U.
I usually do a short, ten minutes workout, because my energy level is low at this time, but when I feel more energeic, I often do longer workouts.
Masha N.
For me, it’s important to have goals that fit me and align with where I am now. So for me, a ten minutes exercise in the morning, after drinking water is challenging yet exciting, knowing it will only benefit me, but also not being too harsh and hard on myself. Maybe in the future, it will extend to a longer workout, but for now that’s not on the menu. Also I decide on the day whether it’s going to be a stretch routine, just my core or an intense training! Depends on what my body needs, how I feel etc. The goal for me is to move every day for 30 minutes at least and 2-3 times a week more intensely. So if I know that I’m biking to work or going to have an hour walk that evening I’ll also adjust to that as well. My tip is to start small, and feel what works for you. Definitely don’t start with huge commitments, because you can get lost in the process of why you’re doing it and maybe doing it less for yourself… and that is the only goal and purpose, it’s all for you!
T Lio Z.
Just a 5 minute little exercise like squats jumping jacks. A short ten minutes is better since it’s only the morning you could get a headache.
Nixian P.
If i had the gears id have longer workouts, but usually i do small things like situps, squats for a few mins. I have work to do so soring myself aint the best thing to do first thing in the morning haha.
Alyssia Y.
I am starting slow and small. I do 5-15mins of easy yoga or stretching in the morning at this point in time. I will move into full body workouts when I feel I am ready!
Leander J.
Anything is good even a couple of quick stretches. Most of the time I do more but I am trying to build the habit so I let myself do a tiny bit or a lot without any restriction. Good luck with your goals!
Troy Z.
It depends. When I wake up earlier and give myself time I do a 45min – 1h workout. If I'm q little behind schedule I tend to stretch for around 10 mins and maybe workout for 20 – 30 mins. Stretching is a must I find because it helps you feel loose and great during the day. It also depends on your plans for the day, but if you can fit in more time to exercise then absolutely do so. You'll thank yourself in 6 months to a year from now.
Gene P.
I try to do a short 5-10 minute stretching or yoga exercise. This is something simple that I feel like I can realistically commit to and incorporate into my routine, and it makes me feel good too!
Alexandra N.
Hey! Just a short 10 minutes. I have found that if I force myself to do a full work out I’m more likely to skip it. So after I have gotten up and taken my little girl to school I will try to do some stretching, walking in place or even just moving fast to do laundry and straighten up the house. Like I’ll throw some exercise moves into all of that.
Andrea E.
I can’t ever seem to motivate myself to get out of bed earlier to do anything, but especially a work out. Never worked out in the morning.
Nicolas A.
I do a 15 to 30 minute cardio workout most mornings & then a yoga practice than can be anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour long depending on the type of yoga practice
Suse N.
10 minutes is enough. I do 10 minutes in the morning and 10-15 minutes after work/before dinner. My intention is to get my heart racing and get sweating, sweating is gross but getting there is fulfilling.
Astrid B.
Right now I’m only doing a 10 minutes chill workout because I’m out of shape so I want to get back to exercise gradually. But I will try to do more.
Haneen R.
Depends on how much time I have and how much energy. Sometimes I wake up energised and ready for a thorough workout, rarely, though, and I have enough time to fit it into my morning. Other mornings, most often, I don’t have time or much focus and my body doesn’t feel capable of a full workout. Those mornings I do some yoga, quick HIT workouts, or just some stretches. That’s all it takes to wake up the body. It also feels great.
Sophie N.
I actually exercise at night. It’s a short amount of time but I usually use dumbbells and practice weight and muscle training
Natalie P.
On good days I do a full workout. But most days it’s a quick stretch or mobility class. I can really recommend the FitOn App
Loreta E.
Just a short and light 10 min exercise. Long walks are for the end of the day, after work. Mornings holds my most productive hours so I do which is most difficult.
Nathana L Z.
If I work from home I do a full workout routine as I get red faced and sweaty. If I have to be in early, I just do some yoga. If I can go to work at standard hours, I go for a short run, that's the middle ground for me.
Pandorra F.
I do the yoga exercises recommended by Fabulous: 20s child's pose, 20s cat cow, 20s down dog, 20s three legged dog, 20s high lunge, 20s warrior two, 20 s plank, and 20s down dog again. It takes like 10 minutes.
Franchaska A.
I work out in the afternoon after work for 25 to 30 minutes it’s usually a full body workout and sometimes I alternate and do legs and abs or arms and abs and 15 or 10 minutes of cardio for five days a week.

Ive been feeling pretty great ever since I started I no longer have extreme fatigue and headaches like I used to.

I feel energised I am in pain from the workout but it’s not unbearable.

Overall this has been a very positive experience

Linnea A.
Evert morning i work out for around 10 minutes. Partly because I want to wake the body up and complete my goal but mostly because I don’t have time to do anything longer. Hope this helped 🙂
Donna T.
By now, I just have a little session of yoga (like 20 mins). But I want to introduce some more active exercises and prolong the sessions little by little.
Jennifer W.
Hi! Thanks for asking! I actually do it in the afternoon! After a long day I just need to watch me grow and become a better me. I do it for however long I need to 😁 it may take 15 minutes or maybe 30 it always just depends what challenge I’m going to accept and what mood I’m in. Hope that helped you answer your questions!
Etta F.
I do a short 10 min workout, and if I feel like it. I will do more. Maybe you feel like 10 min is ridiculously easy, but you have to start there to give your self a feeling of accomplishment. If not, you are going to feel like a full body workout is ridiculously hard, not finish it & feel bad about yourself. I think we should start with small goals, because you will feel like they are more easy to keep consistency.
Claudia U.
I’m a bit of a “go
Big or go home” kind of person. If I’m going to get up and move, I determined that 45 minutes is really no bigger a commitment than 15. So why do 15.
Lili F.
I mean I know I'm supposed to only exercise for eight minutes, but to be honest that doesn't make me tired at all so I do a twenty minute workout everyday.
Gg Galaxian N.
I’ve started doing short 8-12 minute workouts in the morning in order to wake myself up and shrug off the morning drowsiness. I use a workout app called 7-minute workouts i believe, and it makes daily workout plans for me to do based on my preferences.
Lily C.
I take the time to stretch in the morning, that movement is a good way to start the day refreshed, without being worn out. I’ve been meaning to stretch more, so this is doing that
Eveline Z.
A full workout to get the body moving. Just have days when you do hard workouts and days where you go easy and really enjoy it.
I do a little walk or stretch at lunch or mid afternoon just to get a little movement into the body and refresh the mind
Julia Z.
I actually prefer just stretches for my back, which can be from 5-20minutes. And then a more intense workout in the evening, gives a good relief to my body
Lillianne W.
Personally I just do some dancing to some music as I get ready. That way it’s already incorporated into my routine, and I’m waking myself up 🙂
Royal G.
In the mornings, I do a good ten minute workout just to wake up my body and feel energized throughout my day. In the afternoon, after lunch i do a abs workout since I’m trying to target that area.
Akemi M.
I only do a ten minute exercise. I have so much to do for the day so doing a little exercise warms me up and helps boost my energy.
Laurie T.
I do no exercise in the morning. I do it during the evening around 5-6. I will either go for a 5 km run or do a resistance workout with free weights, usually around 30-45 minutes long
Vignette N.
I’m starting small, and vary my workouts. Sometimes it’s a light jog with my dog, or a bike ride (also with my dog). Sometimes it’s just putting in headphones and dancing around the house while making breakfast. Sometimes it’s 10 push-ups, 5 squats, a quick downward dog stretch and that’s it.
Amir P.
I do yoga for 20 minutes. Not sure why 20.. sometimes when I’m at the gym I do 30-45 depending on the mood. But mostly it just fits my schedule.
Procrastinator T.
I just do the short 7 minute workout, just to get moving and get my heart up a little bit. my job has me on my feel all day so i get some exercise in elsewhere.
Israel T.
I usually go on a long walk with my kids. They are one and three. So we get out early and go walk around the neighborhood. It gets me out and active while spending time with them. Win win. I want to in the future incorporate running or yoga/
Ethel J.
500 ml almond milk
100 gr sugar
Half a pod of vanilla
1 pinch cinnamon (optional)
50 gr cornstarch
In a bowl sift the cornstarch and pour a couple of tablespoons of milk (cold). Stir to melt well.
When the starch is well dissolved, pour it into a saucepan along with the rest of the milk and add the sugar, vanilla seeds and cinnamon. Put the saucepan on the stovetop and mix.
Within a couple of minutes the milk will begin to thicken becoming a cream.
Pour the cream into the pudding molds. If you don't have them, you can use aluminum cups. If you prefer, you can make it in one big mold.
Let it cool and then refrigerated for at least 3-4 hours. At the time of serving, gently remove the biancomangiare from the mold and place it on the serving saucer.
Levi F.
I downloaded an app (it could be anything, search the app or playstore you’ll find good ones)
The app I downloaded is named 7.
It will give me some exercise in just 10 minutes and they are vary
C Lian Z.
Lately I haven’t been working out but my goal is to do a 20 minutes workout every morning. There was a time when I was accomplishing this goal but I lost the motivation 🥺
Sunnilee Q.
I just do stretching in early morning. To get my blood flowing and prep me for my early morning walk to work and home. later on I might go swimming or another type of exercise. Mostly on days off I do other exercises. Everyday I stretch and walk lots.
Jose U.
I do a full body stretch just to wake up my body and get it ready for the day. Then if u want to be exercise more I will do it later on I the day.
Samantha N.
I normally do 10 mins in the morning 10 minutes afternoon and 20 minutes in the evening beacuse I sometime can’t get a whole hour of exercise in the morning so I break it up so it can be easier
Viviana C.
It depends… In the mornings I work from home I do a full yoga session of 20 minutes, sometimes 40 minutes. When I have to go out I usually have less time, so I take a walk of around 10 minutes, usually heading to the place I need to be.
Rachel N.
Im hoping that a short workout now (10 min) will lead to making more time in the morning for a full workout further down the line!
Grace Z.
In the mornings I don’t do a full workout because I don’t have enough time. So I usually do some light warm up cardio and so core work to wake me up and get my body moving.
Malthe C.
If I get up and I move, it counts as exercise.ideally it is at least 10 min of stretching, I might get a yoga class or HIIT.
Alan O.
I would typically do a 30mins run then return to my house and do some pushups and abdominal workouts because that is my goal for now
L Ane Y.
I do about three minutes. I have been restricted in my movements for a while so three minutes that’s about all I can do.
Alfred E.
I am only doing a short 10 minutes right now and will see if I can incorporate a longer interval once I get that habit established
Herbert Y.
I started with a 20m yoga flow for a week and now I’ve been walking for 30m every morning. I only did 20m of yoga because that’s what it felt like my body needed.
Jasmine J.
When I write I like to get inspiration from some music or listening to a talk. That usually helps me when I’m having a block of creative ideas. Also I write freely. I let what comes up out. I’ll burn a page or two when necessary, lol.

I usually workout for 8-15 minutes and stretch for another 10 minutes. I find having both together helps my body stay healthy and absorb the workout better.

Najmi X.
I dont really have time for a fulk workout, so just a 10 minutes stretching is what i need to prepare my body for the day.
Aariya X.
In the morning I usually do a short 10 minute workout, since I workout right aft r waking up so I don’t have the same energy as i’d have later in the day.. later around evening time I do a full body workout to help me relax a bit more. I hope this helps!!
Sydney S.
my morning workout when i wake up is a low impact 10 minute cardio and another higher impact 10 minute one later! always go light i the morning so you don’t go to hard on yourself
Elouan Y.
I personally do a 10 minute mobility workout, I found on youtube. It doesn't really involve any exhausting exercises but it's great to wake up your body. I'd recommend a short and not exhausting workout in the morning, you can do a real workout later in the day
Courtney P.
I usually do a full hour involving my whole body and after shake it all off with a bit of dancing to start my morning positive and make me prepared for the day ahead, I prefer doing a workout in the morning so it makes me awaken and make me alive for the day ahead. I find involving weights to the workout you see more results, but go into it slowly and don't have too heavy weights.
Tinie N.
It depends on how busy of a day I’ll have.
Some days, I have to be ready by 7am or 8am and with my pre-exercise ritual, I can’t manage to do a longer workout like I’d like.
So I do a ten minute workout.
But on not-so-busy days, I take my time to exercise. I do more cardio and move my body more after I’ve exercised.
I hope that was enough.
Ryan F.
I wake up really early, and go to bed late because I am currently studying, and the workload requires a high time investment, so I try to get as much sleep as possible in that setting. Because of that, my morning exercise rarely exceeds the ten minutes. Some mornings, if the night before was especially long and I'm feeling in neex of some extra sleep, I'll cut the time to five minutes, because it is always better to do 5% of something that to do nothing!
Karl Hans U.
It truly depends on the day. If I don’t have much time I’ll do a short HIIT workout. If I have more time I’ll do a longer split body part workout with cardio. I also like it mix it up with yoga
Charles T.
I normally just work a 10 minute workout in every morning because I have a long day at work afterwards so just something to get the body warmed up for a long day that's all I normally do
Gloria C.
In the morning I usually do a short one. I like to do a full workout when my body is already awake, usually around 11 am or 5/6 pm.
Billy Z.
It depends on my work schedule that day, it fluctuates daily… if I work early quick 10 minutes and if I work late full hour.
Christiana X.
i typically do a shorter workout with a variety of different exercises. i try to do ones that really wake up my body and get me started for the day. i also combine it with a walk outside, and on the low days i just like to do some simple yoga and go for a short walk.
Joseph Z.
I do a small bit of exercise just to get me energised in the morning and do a higher intensity session later in the day; you can do either tho.
Vanessa F.
I usually do atleast 7 minutes of exercise daily .It helps me feel energised at the very start of the day and helps me to maintain focus over my tasks.
Vignette N.
A full workout would be too much to maintain in the morning, at least right now. So I do a short 10 minutes just to wake up my body. Stretching first, then I’ll either walk or do a little dancey-dance while making breakfast (which I also count as my celebration depending on the music)
Galilea N.
I do a short 10 minute workout cause it’s not too Intense plus I don’t have much time in the morning, so I think you should do what works best for you according to how much time you have too
Oxana F.
I usually play basketball for 5-10 minutes. I do my morning routine and then when I’m ready I play basketball until I have to go.
Jhana Z.
A short 10 minutes, I don’t have much time since I have so many responsibilities. I also would rather do something than nothing.
Kylian F.
I like to dance. So in the morning I play feel good music and dance on it intensely for about 5 to 10 min just to put me in a good and energetic mood.
Madison T.
I do mostly stretching, but also various other exercises. Around 10-15 mins of each in the morning, then again in the evening!
Rafael C.
I do light stretching and then I bike 3 kilometeres. In the evening I bike another 3 kilometeres and then I do more "heavy" workout. I use an app that generates different workout for every day. 😀
Gabby N.
I am starting out small. I have started working out out of nowhere before and I burn out so quick. This time I am waking up, having silence time while drinking water or tea, get dressed and start stretching. I do a short 10 minute warm up and before I know it, I am done with my work out which ends up being about 30 minutes. I sure do feel awake afterwards!
Ana F.
My go to breakfast is definitely Avocado Toast! I don’t exactly know if it’s suitable for toddlers.. but it’s suitable for me💀
Ilyanette O.
Since it’s been a while since I haven’t worked out for a while, I’ve been consistently power walking one-mile in a park. I have kept it easy because I don’t want to do too much!
Konstantina C.
Most days it is a 30 minute walk and/or a short yoga session. But at times I take a whole body workout, not too long though, 20-40 minutes.
Amelia X.
I do a short ten minute workout and as I slowly get better, each week I do an extra set. So one week I would do 2 sets of each and the next week I would do 3 sets of each.
Kay N.
I just do a short 10 min. It wakes me up and helps me get going but isn’t too daunting on mornings where I don’t have a lot of energy or time.
Klaus Werner E.
It depends on my schedule for the day. If I have the time, I will do a full morning at the gym. If not, I'll do a quick 7 minutes
Marian T.
On days that I have the time I'll do a full body exercise with the equipment I have at home during quarantine. Things like dumbells, pull up bar, and elastics. But if you're short on time nothing wrong with 10 minutes of situps, push ups, squats, and whatever other body weight exercises you can do.
Anne N.
I am just starting to reintroduce exercise into my routine, so I start very very small. I see what I can do in a minute, do some light stretches, do 50 jumping jacks… I don’t want to overwhelm myself (like I have done in the past) and then not keep up with the habit.
Sandy N.
I exercise in the afternoons when I have more energy and time. I usually have between a 45 -60 minute workout 5 days a week. I would love to be more of a morning person though. Something to work towards!
Katherine P.
i don’t really enjoy working out in the morning. makes me feel more tired. if i drink water or coffee i’ll feel more awake.
Rosa W.
It depends on the day, but since I’m a dancer I have to do abs everyday. In addition to that, I do yoga or stretching or strengthening.
Rayan Z.
If I go to the gym, I do a full workout, but if I’m taking a rest day, I’ll just do some morning stretches. Something is better than nothing, and I try to listen to my body and do what will make me feel best!
Mart F.
I usually do short workouts in the morning to start feeling awake and energised and save long workouts, which are part of my training program, for other times of the day.
Abigail E.
I do not workout in the morning. Although I feel a bit more motivated to get it over with when ever I do it in the morning I feel like I’m gonna pass out. Maybe it’s because I did just wake up and my body is not awake yet. But I stopped working out in the mornings besides on weekends. On the weekends I take my time to get ready and then I workout. I usually train shoulders on Saturday and then do a mile run on Sunday’s.
G Tz U.
I do short workouts for now. Once I get into the habit, I want to add more intensity but for now I find it easy to take it slow. I usually make up my own thing or just take a walk. Sometimes I just stretch and meditate too.
Emmer F.
Usually just walk to work for me about 20 mins sometimes skate otherwise I'll get out with my dog for an hour or so or just a ten min workout thing
Joshua X.
I work out for about 30-45 minutes. This incorporates stretching and more intense strength and cardio. I find that this wakes me up and makes me feel strong!
Amalie Z.
In the morning i normally do a 3-5 minute stretch and some jumping jacks outside. Otherwise I leave the working out till the afternoon becuase I don’t have a lot of time in the morning.
Randy P.
So I usually am getting kids to school. But some mornings I do yoga. And then other mornings after I drop off kids I go to a boxing class
Daniela N.
I do the 7-minutes exercise available on the app. It is a good workout and it’s an easy and good way to start the morning.
Rutendo T.
Short Answer: Depends on your goals. For me it's full body workout as I'm working on strength, firming, toning and weight loss, with variations until I reach my goal.

Consult a professional if possible. Otherwise you can pick a coach or routine you like on YouTube and have fun with it. I do the 30 Day Challenge on the 7 min workout app, it's free and has guided exercises for all levels beginner to advanced. Hope that helps.

Lucy Z.
I do a full walk down my driveway every morning and maybe some stretches or a fabulous challenge if I’m not feeling up to walking down my driveway
Maja F.
It depends on what I need to do in the morning. If I don’t have to work early or school at night I try to get a long workout in the morning. When I have work in the morning and school at night I do a quick 5-10 min workout in the morning and a longer workout after class. If I could get up very early and function then I would always have long workouts in the morning!
Ryan Z.
I actually don’t exercise much in the morning – mainly because I’m not a morning person 😛 I have to walk about five minutes to get to my class, but that’s about it. Usually I stretch before bed for about five minutes and just count that. If I did exercise in the morning, I’d just do a couple stretches, and then a workout later in the day. But if you are a morning person and don’t roll out of bed half an hour before you have to start the day, then maybe doing it in the morning is better for you! Just don’t think you can only do strictly one or the other. Hope this helps and good luck exercising!!
Janet E.
At the moment I'm trying with a short 10 min every day, as my goal is to be consistant rather than intensive. Once I'll have consistency, I will increase the intensity of my workouts:)
Sebastian A.
I started just doing the elliptical for one song, usually around three minutes. I gradually bump it up and will soon be on three songs (about 10 minutes). This makes it easier for me because I'm building a habit of starting a workout, rather than going all in and failing within a week (which is typical of me). My goal is to do 20 minutes of cardio followed by a workout with resistance bands, switching through muscle groups. It'll take me a while to get there, but it will be so much easier doing it gradually than starting from scratch!
Erin N.
I started out with 5 minutes of yoga and worked my way up to 20 minutes of cardio now. I broke it into small pieces and eventually grew into more improvement overtime. Also, celebrate any time you do manage to work yourself. Even if it's only a minute, or just putting on your workout clothes. Celebrate!
Ellie Z.
I try to do a little bit of stretching every morning. Sometimes I also do a longer workout but often times I just end up doing the stretching. Recently however I have been trying to run. I ran 2.3 miles each day for the past 2 days and I think I want to check in on how my back is feeling and maybe take Sundays off because I don’t want to push myself too hard but I also want to make it a habit so if I feel good tomorrow morning I’ll run if my back hurts I won’t.
Sogol T.
I only do some stretching in the morning to wake up my muscles and then do a full workout in the afternoon. around 5:00pm
Morgana T.
I have started with a short five to ten minutes workout but, I think when your body adapt to this style then a full time workout in day would be great.
Kleanthi N.
I usually wake up at 5 and workout for one hour… In the mornings I prefer doing cardio,like going out for a run , and not weight lifting as it makes me more tired.
But , yes I never skip a workout because it's an essential part of my day
Simon F.
I personally do a good 20 minutes of active movement. Sometimes I do 30 though, it really depends on how I’m feeling.
Afterwards I do a quick bit of yoga and stretches.
Some days, when I feel real lazy, I’ll do like 10-15 minutes of working out, and then just a lotta yoga.
For me it depends on the day.
Aubree Z.
Depends on the day and what i have time for. If i have the time for the gym that would be a great start to the day. But if i don't thats fine too and i can easily fit a quick stretch into my morning or even a walk to my classes which i would normally take a bus to get to!
Keira Y.
I normally don’t do more than 10 minutes in the morning. Some days I add a longer workout in the afternoon or evening as well.
Ritthy T.
I just do the 7 min exercise that is suggested by Fabulous. If don't have much time or am particularly lazy I do the 1 min get moving exercise.
Sheryl W.
In the morning I usually do a simple short workout like 10/15 minutes just to activate myself meanwhile in the evening I usually do around 1 hour
Catarina Q.
It depends on how much free time I have in the morning. Honestly, I have been find it hard to wake up early when I don't have too, so sometimes I just don't work out.
Today, I'm doing a full workout though, because I got the time. But the important thing is the habit. So 10 minutes is perfect if you're in a hurry.
Christoffer Y.
Personally, I give myself 3 workout options in the morning, depending on wether I have a good day, a bad day or a medium. If I wake up feeling fresh and have a good day I will do a full workout. If I wake up extremely tired and not very motivated I usually do a 5-10 minute stretching video. If I wake up a little tired but kind of fresh, I usually go for a walk and listen to a podcast. That is what works for me 🙂
Eugene J.
Usually I just do a bit of dynamic stretching – to wake the body up I guess. I prefer to have breakfast and some time for the breakfast to settle before I do any type of larger workout. I usually do my more thorough workouts somewhere between lunch and dinner, as that’s what suits my schedule.

I recommend lighter work and stretching the first thing in the morning, makes me wake up. Have som breakfast, and then workout if you have the time for it. Without any fuel in you your workout won’t be as good as it could’ve been.

Cord S.
I like to do an a short workout (like 5 minutes?) That is the same everyday, and then an a longer workout that changes…. I mostly do yoga
Curtis Z.
Depends how much time I have, now I do around 30 min workout, but previously I did only around 7-8min because I didn't have more time
Britney F.
Normally, I do a short 10 minute workout because this gives me the energy to be ready for the day. It keeps me energetic and and motivated.
Eddie W.
I'm trying to start doing 10-minute workouts in the morning using this app but as of now I do 30-minute workouts in the afternoon
Alyvia B.
I like to start the morning with some small movement then after breakfast I do lots of stretching and after lunch I do my 30 minute workout and yoga at night
Silke W.
Sometimes I exercise in school with gym class from 9:30 to 10:30, either with playing the game with the class or going into the weight room. I try to take in a little bit of exercise each day and I don’t try to push myself too hard when doing so.
Charlotte P.
It depends on how much energy I have. I usually do decide to do a full workout but it may be later in the day after a yoga flow in the morning. I have been working out in the morning for a while now, so I mostly do 30 min-1 hour workout in the morning, but when I started, I was doing things like short interval bike rides for 10 or so minutes or maybe just a stretch.
Hana Z.
It actually depends on my energy and mood but I don't skip a day without doing any workout just see what you can do and don't come hard on your self❤️
Nikol V.
I normally just do maybe 10-15 minutes just so I can get started for the day and I do about 15 minutes 3-4 times a day but it’s important not to over due it because if you do you won’t be able to keep it a habit for long so a good total of 40-60 minutes a day is just enough!