Sigmund U.
I usually meditate twice a day- once in the morning when I first wake up before I get out of 🛌 and then late at night as part of my bedtime routine.
Sebastian W.
After building my meditation practice over 3 years, I’m now at a place where I meditate 2-3 times daily. I’ve done entire days of meditation, I’ve gone months with out doing it too. Life happens. You test and find what is right for you. I find that shorter (10 min or less) are good for morning and afternoon, after a stressful day at work I’ll do a 30 minute decompression meditation, and quite frequently I do a body scan meditation at night. Insight timer has worked well for me, I tend to prefer guided meditations over silent meditations, I’m starting to get to a place where I have the guided mediations I prefer memorized, I can take those journeys any time and lead me into a silent meditation. I’ve accepted that meditation isn’t the absence of feeling or thoughts, but rather the total and absolute acceptance of their existence, so absolute that they pass seemlessly through my mind like a sweet breeze. Other times they’re jarring and shocking like lightning and thunder, it’s like some thought has dominated, just hidden. But now that it’s out, I get to work at it in my meditation practices, until it drifts as calmly as a cloud through my mind. It doesn’t matter how many times you meditate. The duration and the type that’s insignificant. The mindfulness and peace is what you are seeking. If it only takes you 30 seconds, then that’s an amazing meditation. Sometimes you will find you walk through your life meditating. Disregard your expectations. Don’t hold on to any idea of what it should be. Just allow it to be what you need at that moment.
Sandra O.
3, sort of. In the morning I'll use my exercise time for dynamic meditation, in the afternoons I'll use a break at work to collect myself and create a sense of stillness via static meditation. In the evenings I'll utilize static meditation to reflect on the events of the day and critique my moods and reactions to various stimuli. So I meditate 3 times, but in vastly different ways.