Emil Z.
Really depends on when and what I decide to eat. For example if I’m I’m in the mood for cereal then it’s a quick ten minutes max. But if it’s something that requires more preparation then it takes longer. I’d always try and leave half an hour for breakfast to properly enjoy it.
S F.
It depends on the kind of day I'm having. If my chronic illnesses and complex ptsd are really bad and debilitating on the day, it can take up to 30 ish minutes to eat it, 40 mins, excluding preparation time. If I'm in a rush (and due to suffering from poor organisation and time management caused by developmental trauma and severe Complex ptsd and brain fog), i either eat a poorer breakfast taking 2-3 minutes to eat it without taking time to properly chew, or i eat a healthy breakfast but rush eating it taking 5-10 minutes to finish it, or I don't have the time to have breakfast at all.