Charles W.
I'm doing this only for a couple of weeks and I admit to say that I feel more energised. Even with those 3 minutes of stretching.
Christian W.
I stretch sometimes for just a few seconds to target the area that feels right, but most of the time I take about 3 minutes to find the right spots and work them out a bit.
Reginald F.
Less than a minute. Stretching is important to keep your muscles relaxed and not stiff. So it’s better to stretch longer.
Glen S.
Hi! I stretch for 20-25 minutes every day. I start with the guided stretching session that is available (it’s free) on this app, then I do some stretching on a chair ( search it in YouTube if you want “ my ultimate deskercise routine “). Have fun!
Kerstin R.
I typically stretch in the morning and in the evening between 10-20 minutes. I do Baxter Bell’s Morning Series and a few other asanas which gets my body warmed up for the day. I actually do this series in bed before I get up out of bed. It allows me to wake up gently and not feel stiff. In the evening I do a series of slow sensory yoga postures, or SATYA movements as taught by Tias Little. This series of posture helps slow down the breathe and heart rate before bedtime making for a better nights sleep.
Benjamin Z.
I strech a few times a day, before morning exercise, before and after gym session and before bedtime. Usually 3-5minutes.
Hunter Z.
Usually 2 minutes before I get distracted. Then I return to stretching multiple times throughout the day, short sessions of 10-15 seconds every hour. I want to change to extended active stretching sessions preworkout such as 5 minutes of lunges, walking, and aerobic stretching.
Caroline U.
As long as I have time for. Usually I do the sun salutations in the ‘make me fabulous’ area but if I don’t have much time I just do a quick stretching routine
Hailey C.
It depends. I typically stretch at night and this gives me time to “meditate”. I’m able to let myself unwind before I go to bed and think about my day and the day ahead of me. I’d say I stretch for minimum, 30 minutes.
Timm X.
From one minute to 15 minutes, depending on how much time I have got. However I always hold each stretch for 30 seconds in order to benefit fully from it. (Short routine just means less stretches.)
Carl T.
It depends on what I’m doing it for. I do some quick ankle circles and Achilles’ tendon stretches in the morning before getting out of bed because mine are so tight. Generally, if I’m fully stretching, 10-15 minutes for a quick body check or 20-60 Yoga sessions.
Mikkel P.
About 15 minutes. And that’s just for my middle split stretches. I’m gonna start doing different ones on different days.
Julien G.
I have a routine of light stretches and one of full stretches. It takes between 10 and 15 minutes. I do one or the other 5 days a week.
Vanderl Ia I.
On a good day? I usually stretch for 10 to 15 minutes. If not at least for two minutes just to get some stretch and blood flowing through my arms and legs.
Valentina N.
Not too much, maybe just two or three minutes after I woke up then I do a short ab session of four minutes(I'm doing it for 30 days), after that it's breakfast time😁😁
Nicklas C.
Any amount of stretching is good, from 5 minutes to 15 minutes is typically my norm and I’ve found that the longer time I spend stretching the better I feel
Benjamin X.
It really depends on how much time I have and how sore I am. Typically I stretch during a tv show, and I’ll hold each position for about 2-5 minutes for a total of 20-30 mins. In the mornings I stretch for about 5 mins holding each position for about a minute or less.
Sandra O.
At the moment I'm trying to establish a routine so it's more getting into a habit rather than time. This means doing it for maybe 5 minutes in the morning.
Norah A.
It all depends on how much time Ihave. If I only have a few mins, I'll do a quick stretch. If I have a good bit of time , I'll stretch for a while and really focus on the stretch.
Jean E.
I try to take at least five minutes to stretch everyday. Some days I'll do yoga for just over 30 minutes. I try to do this at least twice a week.
Darciana S.
For as long as I feel like I need to, but usually, I quickly stretch for 1-3 minutes in the morning to wake up and 5-10 after exercising.
Maurice O.
I usually stretch for about 20 minutes every morning. If I happen to be running late, I don’t skip stretching; I just stretch for 5 minutes instead by decreasing the reps.
Suzanne C.
For at least a minute several times a day especially when I have been sitting at the computer. Of course, more is even better 😉
S Leyman I.
10 minutes in the morning as part of my morning routine and just a couple of minutes before doing workout in the evening.
Ricardo T.
I usually stretch out for about five minutes. I do my neck side to side. Then work on my arms and my back is last. I also do mini stretches throughout the day. Since I work on the computer I get up every 30 minutes to an hour to stretch out my shoulders and legs
Rossano P.
Most of the time when I stretch its for 10 to 15 minutes. I don't want me muscles to be sore when i practise yoga, after that, because it makes it difficult to do all your exercises, especially if you add crunches to your daily workout. For me its 100 crunches, and has been since all my 45 pounds.
Izete C.
I stretch for a minute or two before I get out of bed, and then throughout the day I’ll do a forward fold and also my shoulders by reaching overhead in a doorway.
Malou U.
I have been stretching for 5 – 15 minutes twice a day (as soon as I get up and immediately before bed) . If rushed in the morning I only stretch for a couple of minutes, but will do some light stretching throughout the day, along with thorough stretching before bed. Since I started doing this regularly, I've had a noticeable reduction of chronic back pain and sciatica.
Frida N.
Well, I used to be a yoga instructor and personal trainer and fell off the wagon for many many years now. So I am literally allowing myself the freedom to do a 1-5 minute stretch for right now just to build the habit in baby steps. Hope this helps!
Alison E.
The app for my morning routine set for one minute, but includes a short workout.
The days that I need to stretch for longer, I do. However, committing to at least one minute every morning is a good start for me.
Isabella T.
I usually try and give each stretch at least 30 seconds. The 1 minute of stretching is a great goal for each night and morning, but I tend to stretch for more like 4-5 minutes.
Danielle O.
I stretch for 11 minutes using the video provided but I have modified some of the stretches to poses that I am a little more comfortable with. I also try to remember my yoga instructions and pay attention to my body. I have been doing this for a few weeks now and can feel some of my strength returning. It feels so good to stretch!