Karishma P.
I exercise for at least three minutes. You can start by doing just jumping jacks or squats. As long as you do it is what matters. As you get better you can increase the effort and do more. I have exercised for about two hours. Cycling. And I enjoyed it. Now my goal is to get to a decent amount of time such that all my body feels that good feeling. It's how you feel that tells you how much you should exercise. Don't go overboard. But always strive to be better.
Ella N.
If you get tired after 10 mins you should work on building some more stamina. If you run out of breath try more cardio, if you run out of strength do more strength training. I personally do cardio a lot so I don't run out of breath very quickly and can do cardio for long periods of time but in strength training I usually have a bit more difficulty so my strength training/ muscle building sessions are a bit shorter like 10-30 mins. So try to figure out what makes you feel tired, breath or muscle fatigue and work on that because both are important. Good luck!
Genevieve M.
I usually do a five minute stretch to get me fired up, then I do workouts with apple fitness; usually a 20 minute one, and sometimes during the summer I finish it off with a walk around my block.
Raul Y.
I usually exercise for ten to fifteen minutes because I’ve found that it’s better to not wear yourself out and to know your limits. However, if you get tired you can take a break and do some yoga or stretching and then resume exercise when you feel replenished. Hope this helps :))
Angelica S.
Non faccio esercizi per troppo tempo, circa 5 minuti. Inoltre non sono proprio esercizi faticosi ma è più un riscaldamento che riesce ad attivarmi