Kazim U.
The most important thing is to find what interests you and you like it. I initially liked running i did it for many years and it was good for me, but then I realised that was not anymore the thing that interested me, so i tried home excersises , i tried the gym, and a bunch of other things until i again found something i now love doing. Good luck finding your thing:)
Robert P.
First and smost important, find an exercise that you like. Not everyone enjoys the gym or jogging. It took a long time to find a sport that suits me: yoga and boxing. Those two are so fun for me that I truly look forward to it. Try as many sports as you can until you find the roght one. Second, once someone told me”exercising is not a punishment is the pleasure of seeing what your body is capable of doing”.
Ashley J.
A very good question. Personally, some mornings I still struggle to get into exercising with verve but what helps to me is motivate myself before I start exercising and then really pay attention to how good I feel during exercising and immediatelly after. Personally I do yoga in mornings but I sometimes struggle to get into it because I only have one routine right now and it's kind of boring to the same routine every morning. But on the other hand I really feel good after doing it so I also like to do it. I have to find more morning routines though so I can change it up a bit. Evrytime I finish the routine I tell myself how awesome I am that I did it and try to savour that good feeling. And when it comes to motivating myself to even start well, I have something I found out is working quite well, but that's highly personal. There is this speech Aragorn is giving to the soldiers in the Return of the King movie that goes something along the lines of 'there may come a day when our courage fails and we forsake all bonds of fellowhip, but it is not this day, etc…' Well I rewrote this speech for me to motivate me to get up and start my routine… it goes something like this 'there may come a day when alarm clock fails and I forsake all bonds progress, but it is not this day. An hour of sleep and shattered promises but it is not this day, etc.' And I wrote this speech on the piece of paper and every morning I read it out really dramatically and that helps me get up and start moving but as I said, it's very personal because I absolutely adore Tolkien and LOTR so to me it has emotional meaning. To you it might have not. But I guess that's the key to motivate yourself. You find something that has deep emtional value for you and use that to motivate yourself – it might be a song, a qoute, a specific moment or memory, you have to find it on your own. But when you do, it's gonna be so much easier to get up and fight for yourself 🙂
Linda X.
You should prepare all your stuff for excercsing and put an alarm to remind you that you should exercie and when thinking of staying in bed just remeber that its healthier if you exercise
Ethan F.
I have a rewards system. Even if it is just a small treat, like your favorite snack. The key is to create a good memory associated with it. For me, I am very good motivated, so I keep around ingredients to make a berry smoothie once I finish working out. I’m looking forward to my smoothie, so I put my best foot forward
Ringo Y.
Try to focus on the results, almost to the extreme level. Motivation boards, charts of your weight loss progress, hang out that piece of clothing that you almost fit into. Anything that will get you psyched.
Roberta O.
I think people have trouble enjoying exercise because they see it as something they should do rather than something they want to do. So to change that idea within yourself it could be helpful to make a list of all the reasons exercise is beneficial and then cross reference it with a list of all the things you would like to improve in yourself. Mentally or physically. Associate your exercise with happy things and soon you’ll be viewing it in a whole new light.
Lise Y.
Simply do it. Forget the reluctance, focus on my desired goal. I also simply signed up for a gym and peers encourage. It's now fun n a challenge for who can do more, press-ups, seat ups, planks l, etc. That's how I find exercising fun. The discipline is to make sure I go to the gym everyday.
Marie E.
Because one is going for the end result, keeping that in mind and along the way one realises… gosh this feels good!!
Sander P.
Often times we focus too much on what we do not like (pain) and we spend too much time trying to avoid it. We have to look at what we do like about exercise (pleasure). How we feel after, the beautiful scenery as we run or bike, the music we listen to while exercising. We can also focus on the consequences if we do not exercise. How will I feel if I don't, what will my health be like in the next few years, if I don't give myself this gift how can I have the energy to give to others? We must spend less time on avoiding pain and more on gaining pleasure. Especially when the pain is immediate and the pleasure is in the future. We have to control the weight of both in our minds.
Thea C.
I treat my workout as a break when I fed up digital work. I feel like my head is clear and my concentration is restored.
Ella X.
Listen to some music that you enjoy, or exercise in a place that you enjoy. Adding an aspect to it that you know you have a good time doing helps the exercise not seem as daunting or unappealing.
Jenny F.
Find something fun! I tried many things, and was really surprised to discovered I LOVE aerobic dance. I now look fow for exercise
Bernice C.
I used to feel the same way. I knew I should work out but I hated every second of it and tried to avoid it with any possible excuse. For that reason I never stuck with it. This time had to be different if I wanted the habit to stick. The first thing I did was make the commitment to join a gym with a 1 year contract and promise myself to go at least 4 days a week for that year and if I still hated it when the year was over I would quit and be done with it. The first week was awful but I did it. The second week it started getting a little easier but I was nowhere close to enjoying it yet. By the end of the first month I had lost 3 pounds, an inch off my waist, and half an inch off my thighs. I was looking and feeling better too so that was the encouragement that kept me going through month two. Lost 8 more pounds, another inch off my waist, an inch off my hips, and an additional inch off my thighs! Somewhere along the way I began to look forward to going. I have never looked or felt better in my whole life and the thought of not being able to go to the gym upsets me far more than the dread I felt at first. I go 5 days a week now. I’m stronger physically and mentally and it’s incredible. Just promise yourself you will keep going and I promise you it won’t be long before you start to look and feel amazing. You may even be mad at yourself for not having done it years ago.
Clayton O.
I always equate it to wanting to feel great physically and mentally as I get older; maintaining such habits helps to sustain a lifestyle and physical condition that keep me feeling younger and with minimal discomforts and ailments. To me the benefits far outweigh any luxury of not feeling motivated to keep myself feeling great on all levels.
Florian T.
Try different types of exercises and sports and then pick the one you love to do. If you love what you do you will look forward to it. You can also rotate between different styles and locations to prevent boredom. For example I like yoga but I also like to go walking or try different work outs out with friends. A motivator is having work out buddies. And work outs in different length that you can do when you are short on time.
Maria C.
Finding things I enjoyed doing was key for me. What I enjoy most are walking and T’ai Chi. For walking, one can go solo, join a group, or walk with friends and neighbors, according to one’s personal style. I enjoy all three! I also have two dogs, so in all but inclement weather, we walk 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes each.
T’ai Chi is also a matter of choosing one’s preference. I took classes one place we lived, and am looking for another where we currently live. Alternatively, one can use a DVD or Blue Ray. These mornings, I exercise to a 10 minute wake up program on DVD.
Variety is also good to vary muscles used. If one has several things one likes, exercise becomes fun. It does not seem like work and drudgery and “I have to get through this.” Rather, it’s like, “I’ve been hiking HOW long?!?”
Bottom line is, find something or things you enjoy. Vary your exercises. Start slow and easy. Build up to more. And enjoy what you do!
T’ai Chi is also a matter of choosing one’s preference. I took classes one place we lived, and am looking for another where we currently live. Alternatively, one can use a DVD or Blue Ray. These mornings, I exercise to a 10 minute wake up program on DVD.
Variety is also good to vary muscles used. If one has several things one likes, exercise becomes fun. It does not seem like work and drudgery and “I have to get through this.” Rather, it’s like, “I’ve been hiking HOW long?!?”
Bottom line is, find something or things you enjoy. Vary your exercises. Start slow and easy. Build up to more. And enjoy what you do!