Ljudmila O.
Sometimes I don’t too. I just drink water, have some nuts/biscuits or tea. But I guess if you make up your mind to have breakfast and prepare for it, you‘ll look forward to have it next morning.
Peter Q.
Well, I’m also never hungry in the morning but my mom always scream at me for not eating breakfast. So I just eat breakfast for not hearing her screaming at me . Obviously she still scream at me but for a different reason. I don’t know how to help you but maybe try to eat in the morning in exchange of something that you want to do or anything like that. Promise yourself something that will courage you to eat breakfast.
Peter Q.
I managed it by wake young early.I also have an same problem one day then I make fast breakfast like toast bread and cereals, oatmeal.
Peter Q.
If you think about it, you can cook eggs and bacon all within 10 minutes. It takes just 10 minutes out of your day! Making yourself eat breakfast in the mornings can be tricky at times, for me, I was exactly the same way. Once you get into a routine of doing it, it becomes so easy and you’ll actually be hungry in the mornings! My biggest thing was I thought it would take too long. I wake up 20 minutes earlier than I normally would, stretch in bed, drink a bottle of water, and make myself breakfast every morning. It really is an amazing jumpstart to your day. All you have to do is have the motivation to do it!
Peter Q.
Well for me I also don't fell hungry at that time but a times I pack up a healthy snack because I never fell hungry at that time but I always want to chew on something so instead of chewing gum I would go for a healthy snack
Peter Q.
I’m usually not hungry but I’ve started making a protein smoothie mid morning and I have started to look forward to it. 😃
Peter Q.
I eat breakfast later, not immediately after waking up. I drink water first, than I read a Bible verse and pray, then I do short workout and after thatI eat breakfast. When I need to be early morning in the office I prepare take my breakfast to the office and eat there.
Carole U.
I wake up early and by the time I have to eat I'm usually already hungry. If I have to go outside I try to take something with me because I know I will be hungry in a hour.
B Rbara O.
Same as me but I always take it before 10 o'clock. Breakfast should be taken at 7 or 8 am it's the perfect time. U can try to drink a cup of tea or u can exercise in morning that will helps too. Breakfast should contain proteins and vitamins as well as carbohydrates and the most important calcium.
Peter Q.
It will never be our time to eat the breakfast , due to our hurry. But it was very wrong ! because it may cause more damage to our selves ! So it's very important to make the breakfast in any of the hurry and be healthy and be safe
Martha Z.
After drinking water, I try to move around the house a bit in order to wake up my body more. That way, the hunger for breakfast comes easier.
Peter Q.
If you start eating in the morning over time your body will become hungry in the mornings. You could start by eating a small amount of food in the morning and overtime your body will be hungry and you will want to eat more for breakfast
Peter Q.
usually I'm not hungry too but I know that I have to eat something at least yogurt cuz it's good for my body and I also have to take my meds and before that I have to eat something
Peter Q.
Start off drinking a delicious drink and a small protein bar. Work your way up so that your body gets used to eating in the mornings.
Peter Q.
I love a big breakfast. It sets up my energies for the day at the time when I'm most active and need it most. I also wake up with an empty stomach partly because I generally eat more lightly in the evening and I eat early so that I'm done before 9 pm. I eat lightly especially if I'm having a late dinner. In the morning, I eat after I have had my workout. By then I need to eat. My body will demand it. You can try these and see if they help you.
Peter Q.
I actually have the same trouble cause it’s hard for me to eat in the morning. I try to eat different things every morning or that will make me want to eat them
Peter Q.
I started eating small amounts of food in the morning and less food at night. Once I got used to that I increased my breakfast size and decreased my evening meals. I’ve gotten to the point where I wake up with my stomach grumbling now.
Peter Q.
I eat when it suits my body best. I cannot eat before 9am, I become physically ill if I try to, so I eat later – usually around 10am. You need to do what works best for you and your body.
Peter Q.
I'm usually not a breakfast eater as well. Some days I totally skip it. I think that was because I used to be up late eating/snacking so in the mornings, I didn't feel hungry. Ever since I cut back on the snacking/late night eating, I found that I had more of an appetite in the morning. You could try something small and light, a shake or some fruits.
Peter Q.
I am trying to have dinner earlier or doing fasting. Some days a week I fast from 18:00 to 07:00 which is when I wake up. Then I drink water, exercise, have a shower and then have breakfast while doing something else. I try to casually have it, like not usually sit on the table because I am not that hungry in ther mornings either. So I just grab my coffee/tea/juice cup and just eat something while studying or doing something else (cereal bar, french toast, sandwich, etc) I was not used to have breakfast but now that I am doing it, I am feeling better trough the day, like with more energy! I highly recommend to have a complete morning routine, at first is hard to keep but the results are great 🙂
Mille A.
I'm a student,every morning I have to study. I wake up at 6a.m and I spent 1 hour for my personal routines for examples have a shower, pouring coffee for my family. I study for 50 minutes then I eat my breakfast sometime I eat eggs and yogurt often I eat bread or cookies. I manage breakfast for myself.
Dale N.
I prepare all the stuff – mug, cereals, coffee machine – the previous evening. In that way, when I wake up I just need to add milk and turn on the stove.. And that's it.
Furthermore, you have to wash all whether you use them or not.. so why not use them?
Furthermore, you have to wash all whether you use them or not.. so why not use them?
Peter Q.
People are not same, so if you are not hungry in the morning, you should try eating dinner earlyer. You can also try eating breakfast later, gor instance: wake up at 7 am, self care, light yoga, meditate, and than eat breakfast. The most importent thing is to enjoy what you are doing and do it with a passion. Love you <33
Perry E.
I struggle with this too! I like to find quick and easy things to eat like oatmeal, fruit, and other delicious but quick af meals. I would suggest investing in some protein bars or powder and just enjoying that before eating a filling lunch!
Irmtrud O.
Personally speaking, I think it's practice that makes the habit. I was like this year's ago and just ate small amounts at breakfast of things I really loved to help me get an appetite in morning, now it's a habit!
Peter Q.
Well, breakfast is called the most important meal of the day for a reason. Starting the day with a hearty breakfast gives you energy for you to carry out your everyday activities. If you don't really feel like eating breakfast, try to figure out why. Is it because the food is not appetising? Do you just not feel like eating? Are you on a diet? Whatever the case, don't skip out on breakfast. My tips for a good, yummy breakfast than can give you energy to go through the day are: Try to include some fresh fruit, like bananas, berries, apple slices, and even nuts too.
Try to also include foods that can fill you up like bread, yogurt, granola bars and cereal.
And remember to eat the right amount. Not too little, but not too much either. I hope this was helpful.
Try to also include foods that can fill you up like bread, yogurt, granola bars and cereal.
And remember to eat the right amount. Not too little, but not too much either. I hope this was helpful.
Marc F.
Personally, eating breakfast has been a habit which has been set in stone since childhood for me. But treat it as a new habit. Add a reminder on your calender, phone, or journal, and try to tag it along another habit – for example brushing your teeth – which will work as a reminder for eating breakfast. You don't need to make a huge feast, something small like an apple, or a nutrition bar, would probably be best to start with.
Peter Q.
I have started an eating plan which is scientifically formulated to give me all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals I need for a healthy body. I'm no longer indecisive about what to eat because I stick to the plan. This has made me be hungry in the morning (I never used to be) My indecision to what to eat often left me not eating at all
Peter Q.
I wake up, do some other needs and make breakfast. Since you aren't hungry at that time try small portions each morning and start eating big. I recommend a healthy breakfast.
Peter Q.
I’ve always been one to eat breakfast, there are days that I don’t feel like it, but once I start checking the ingredients in the kitchen my creativity starts flowing and I want to make something nice for my body. Maybe try keeping things you like in your kitchen and also having basics like eggs, milk, coffee, bread, oatmeal, fruits maybe ham and cheese too. You can make a lot of things with those ingredients like French toasts, omelets, egg sandwiches, a delicious oatmeal or some oatmeal pancakes, the possibilities are infinite.
Peter Q.
I used to have a same problem. You need to start day before – do not eat too much in the night and in the morning do quick yoga/some workout – it should help 🙂
Franka Q.
My body has started to require the energies of a good breakfast after I made the first step, the first breakfast. Trust your body and you'll be off before you even know it