Tiona E.
Making time for myself has become one of the most critical things to do in order for me to serve well. Serving well across the board: family, friends, colleagues etc. I constantly remind myself that I cannot pour into other people or things if my cup is empty. And so with that in mind, even if it's five minutes today and 20 minutes tomorrow, I find the time to breathe, to be present in the moment, to release, to express gratitude. I don't beat myself up for not being able to dedicate the same amount of time every day. I just make a conscious effort to find the time for me so I can serve well throughout the day.
Sofia P.
It's easy have a schedule of what u going to do set a time for meditation early, for me I wake up early at 4:30 am every day and I have enough of time to meditate, my family wake up at 6 am so I have enough of time to meditate or do yoga.