How do you journal effectively?

Rosa E.
I basically write about today’s thoughts and feelings. About about off today’s personal triumphs and any challenges and nite I could have done things differently
Francisco E.
You follow a set structure of questions. Eg. What are the three things I’m most grateful for today? What was the funniest thing that happened today? What can I learn from today? And a few more general lines in the beginning if you want to. I recommend keeping it short on the beginning in order for it to be an easy habit to adopt
Silviano A.
Think of a deep topic, something that you can really get some perspective on in your life. Then plan out your entry. Just be honest with yourself and write meaningful things.
Tadeu Q.
I keep my journal right by my bed and I have a pen next to it that I never move. I make a point of opening it before bed every night, even if I only write a few words.
Zoe O.
I find that journaling is like meditation, but written down. I try not to be hard on myself for having my thoughts and feelings – writing them down is a form of honesty and acceptance. And if I want to change those things I dislike, well, journaling is a good venue to do so. I write down my plans, what bothers me, what I get excited about.
Mia T.
At first, it wasn’t easy. I had to almost, force myself to do it at first. Every night! But now it’s become something exciting. Venting about my day, bad or good, in a judgement free zone. It’s now like therapy for me!