How do you enjoy and break through the physical discomfort of heavy exercise? I.e. running ]out of breath.

Jerry Y.
1. If running use inspiring music, run to the beat (I go for about 170bpm at present) BUT take tiny steps. I find that keeping the cadence steady is less painful so long as I vary the stride length. It becomes a habit and it hurts less.
2. I sometimes repeat the mantra, in my head, “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional”.
Isolde J.
The exercise I favor is a form of HIT. Basically, they want you to give 100% effort, & then recover when you can’t go further. You recover by walking (in place) & then you get right back into the exercise giving 100% again.
Patricia X.
I don't necessarily get to that point everyday. But when I do, I enjoy it because it gives me adrrnaline, energy and empowers me.
Joann P.
If I start to feel like I'm exerting a lot of energy and start to feel drained, I stop, chill, check my phone, drink some water, and collect myself. Not for too long, just enough to give me the drive I need to continue my workout. Always keeping a light, protein-filled snack on hand is helpful! Especially if you transition from weight lifting to cardio.
Lillian Z.
I slow my pace and speed up again when I can. I remind myself that I have a goal – getting back to me – and that gives me the motivation to go harder.
Claudirene Z.
I just slow down, do modifications until you feel like you can go full speed again. I have also been using a personal trainer and I work a lot harder when someone is watching:)
Warren U.
Getting out of breath is something I used to struggle with during workouts, it’s all about learning to positions of your body that allow you to breath. Also- I love to push myself. I woke up, I decided to workout, and I owe it to myself to give it 100%. Sometimes I think about how thankful I am that I am able to get to that point in a workout, some people’s bodies physically are not able to workout or get to that point.
Think about where you started. It may seem hard, but remember when you thought you would never get to where you are now?
Catherine T.
Remind myself that I can do it and the temporary physical discomfort will pass and I’ll be left feeling accomplished and good about myself.
Dean U.
Hi! Sometimes I fail the first habit of my ritual, and even though I have time to do the remaining habits, I don't feel motivated to do them since the ritual will never be complete. It's a annoying feeling. How do you motivate yourself to keep doing the ritual after knowing that you won't be able to do one of them today?
Camila Z.
I’ve always enjoyed running or swimming distance but had laid them aside as I aged A few years ago I made a commitment to get back in the pool to lose a few pounds and improve my health. I do interval swimming, meaning I swim a set length, then stop for a few seconds, then swim another set. Doing this has helped me keep going when I start running out of breath. Shorter sets help encourage me to keep going and not quit. Start small and increase distance as your body gets itself in shape. It takes time and patience but if you consistently keep going, it becomes easier… and the results will too.
Gunnar B.
Push yourself when you exercise, but intelligently. If you run out of breath, do jogs instead of runs, or walk until you find your breath again.
Seleso Q.
First of all – if you’re experiencing a LOT of pain or discomfort, talk to your doctor or a personal trainer who can help you modify (not stop!) exercise so that you’re not doing too much too fast. Injury is a pitfall that can derail you. Make sure you’re exercising safely and at a level that challenges you without putting you at risk for injury.

That being said – remember that exercise SHOULD be uncomfortable. You’re trying to train and change your body, and the only way to do that is to put it under some physical stress. It’s not going to be comfortable. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. 🙂

For me, when things get tough, that’s how I know I’m really doing something meaningful for my body. When I’m breathing heavy and my muscles are burning, that’s physical proof to me that there’s something great happening. I like to associate that discomfort with the mental image of my body changing.

Most people stop exercising way sooner than they should. When you hit a wall and your brain says “I can’t do any more!”, realize that your BODY actually CAN do more. Push yourself just a little bit longer than your brain wants to. You’ve got this!

Frederick O.
Well, for starters, if I'm running indoors on a treadmill or elliptical, I like to watch TV to distract myself. I also make sure I'm keeping my hands open, arms relaxed, and am breathing through my nose and not my mouth as much as possible, because breathing through your mouth when you run will dehydrate you faster. If I'm running outdoors, I like to listen to music or use an app like Run! Zombies! to motivate myself and keep me engaged and energized. Running is honestly the best, too, because if you break through that wall of discomfort and hit your "runner's high" when your body releases endorphins, you feel amazing.
Bertram Y.
It varies very much from day to day. Some days I love the feeling of working hard others I have to bribe myself with he thought of how much better I will feel etc etc. The most important thing is to do something you like. I enjoy running (v slowly) but didn’t start until I was 55 so know I am never going to get much faster. The feeling of knowing my soon to be 60 year old body can still run fills me with hope for an active old age
Simona Y.
Well you get used to it and as soon as you start to get used to it, it starts to go away. I would always remind myself that this too shall pass. Funny you ask this question as I just realized in answering it that I don’t struggle with running out of breath much anymore. I keep a close eye on my heart rate and be sure to bring it down then go again.
Ingetraud T.
You should just focus on the outcome. The discomfort will only last for a short period of time. The feeling afterwards will be so greater than the discomfort. Life is a challenge and to quote a phrase “life begins at the end of our comfort zone”.
Th Odore T.
Listening to a good tune with a good pulse and trying to match the breath with the beat. Atm I’m listening to 20bpm on my PolyNome pro metronome app (it’s really good
Hans Friedrich F.
I make sure that I’m pacing myself, not running too fast. I also make sure I’m progressing in distance slowly, adding 1/4-1/2 a mile every two weeks so I don’t over do it. Running with a friend helps a lot, and if you can’t do that then music is my go to. I watch my breathing, set my sights on the track ahead, and break down the remaining distance into manageable chunks so my brain doesn’t get overwhelmed.
Dwayne Z.
You just have to start at a slower pace and work your way towards it. For example, if you can go hard for ten minutes until you start feeling discomfort, then keep pushing yourself to finish that ten minutes for a whole week. The next week, try to increase to 11 minutes, then the next add a minute to that and so on. Alternatively, you can start at the ten minutes on Monday, then try to add 15 seconds to it each day you work out. The whole point is to have a goal in mind, but try to break it into smaller more achievable goals so that you stick with it. Also, remember to cut yourself a break if you can't go as hard one day! It's not the end of the world– you just have to keep at it.
Lily A.
I actually do not take breaks during my exercises. I take a deep breath before every more and if I need to slow the pace, I do so. I love the feeling of 5 more reps past my I can not point.
Heather U.
Best option would be go somewhere nice with friends. If I have time I will take some time for myself (do yoga, eat a good meal, pamper routine).
Brooklyn E.
Well first of all i choose a exercise i like ,like dancing or if i wanna go for a walk make it fun and enjoyable for myself with music the point is do it in a way that won't be an assignment for you becomes a hobby a fun and entertaining experience. In addition to that thinking of the end result will helo you more to keep the encouragement flowing
Holly S.
I slow down and concentrate on my breathing…I breathe in and narrow my lips as I slowly breath out…then I focus on a something in the near distance and tell myself to get past it and celebrate when I do…. i focus on another thing in the distance and repeat…little steps with a celebration at each end
Alicia O.
I don’t really think about it being light vs heavy. I just push myself for as long as I can stand and then back off. I do a lot of spinning and will do one day of low impact, a day of heart rate training, then maybe an endurance ride, and a climb ride. Each one serves a different purpose. When I wake up, I do whichever one I feel like that day and my only challenge is to stay on the bike for the entire ride. From there, however long I stay on the bike is better than if I hadn’t gotten on it at all. That’s an accomplishment in itself. So light or heavy…I do something that I enjoy that is sustainable. Some days it’s high-intensity, heart-pounding exercise. Other days, it’s low-impact, pick-me-up rude simply for the enjoyment of it.
Vanusa A.
Got used to drinking water first thing in the morning. Can get back to sleep if don't get up after 5 10 min. Waking up not hungry but after 15 20 min starting to feel hunger and ready for a good breakfast. Not so hungry during lunch.
Wade J.
I focus on the results not the activity itself. Exercises isn't always enjoyable but the benefits of exercise are. I'm less concerned with my mood & how I feel about it and more concerned with how I'll feel after it or the day after or the week after. I think about the energy I'll have, the confidence I'll get and how those things improve other facets of my life way more than the temporary discomfort & effort from exercise.
Brooke O.
For me it is more about psychological and motivational thing than physical. So I don't try to breath more slowly. I'm working with my mind. I know it is not a good advice but mind stronger than body so it can help to someone
Tracy A.
I wish I had s good answer but am coming back from an injury so am going easy with yoga, walks etc. till I’m back in form … but! When I did heavy exercise, I tended to find a happy zone where I was pushing myself but not killing myself over it. Like, I’d run a longer run (7-8 mi) at a moderate pace instead of going alll our for 2 miles. Still get those nice endorphins but don’t feel nauseated— that’s reserved for the final kick in a 10k race, ha!

And I don’t know what kind of workout you do but if it’s something like biking or running, you can kinda zone out and as a famous runner I once interviewed told me about his long runs, “I think the good thoughts. I solve problems and I think the good thoughts”

Ive also found that it takes a bit of practice to find my rhythm. For the first, say 20% of the distance, I’m catering in my head, ‘this is boring, I could be sleeping,’ etc but after that something shifts and my effort becomes lighter and the breathing more natural and rhythmic. I hope it will be the same for you.

Also please make sure you are super well hydrated.

I hope this helps, and keep at it!! Fun sharing this journey.

Good luck to you!!

Barb Z.
I take comfort in the fact that I am part of a small group of people that is awake and exercising at this time. Doing something that few people have the discipline or ability to do motivates me. I also know that the more it hurts and the harder the exercise is, the better I am getting.
Jennifer G.
For the most part unlike the challenge and enjoy the process of finding exercise easier. However there comes a point where it's too much and my mind says "that's enough".
Pierre Z.
A little out of breath goes a long way. If I’m working out to the point that I am sweaty and uncomfortable that is fine. It becomes a problem if I’m working out to the point that I’m about to literally collapse or the physical discomfort has graduated to pain or I’m unable to catch my breath. I had to consult a physical therapist to help define my body’s limits. To keep working out despite discomfort, I focus on music as well as working toward little goals to push myself a bit further.
Benjamin A.
Try a form of exercise that doesn’t feel as punishing if you need a quick breather. I like biking for this reason, after a big hill it’s ok to coast for a moment but it doesn’t feel like taking a break like a pause does with running
Noah W.
Can't telle you becourse there is nothing I like more than a good run and yes I don't always deel like running but when I put on my running playlist on sportifi, It turns me on and takes me no effort annymore
Roberto Z.
Just search for exercises that is convenient to your goal plan and your current state. And start small. As you gradually evolve, your body will get used to the intensity of the exercises.
Anika A.
I try to really focus on that mind body connection. I know my body is feeling the discomfort but I use my mind to push me through the exercises as if it’s my mind that’s doing the work and I can’t feel a thing! I also like to just be aware that I can move my body and be grateful for the outcome!