How do you deal with missing a day of exercise?

Ilan N.
The past is the past. You missed a day and regret it, exercise today to make you for it. one day of exercise missed will not do any major change and backtrack your progress. Don't let it become a habit and if you set yourself a goal, work to reach it. Everyone misses a day or two.
Harold Z.
I don’t stress too much about it. As long as you’re consistent 99% of the time with your program, 1 day that you miss will never kill your gains
Arabella P.
one I get into the swing of exercising, it becomes something I never want to stop. But, as life goes on there will obviously be some things that have to delay or cancel this habit. When I’m on a streak of exercising, but say my schedule changed and I have no room to fit a workout in, sometimes I’ll feel down at first. What’s important to remember is that first of all, there is always tomorrow, and it is good to give your body rest days. Secondly, you can always fit in a quick one minute exercises session, or walk to work a stop earlier. I would recommend not keeping your mind fixated on the fact that you missed it, staying in an “oh well” mindset. it’s alright to miss these things at times. And the fact that you are feeling down that you missed a workout only proves how consistent and amazing you are doing with this habit. Keep your head up!
Bobbie T.
I plan to succeed tomorrow. I might go to sleep in my sweats or put my dancing shoes next to my bed. I make sure to have my water bottle filled, my dog’s leash by the door. I will make ready for an easy choice. Tomorrow will drink my glass of water, brush my teeth and go.
John N.
For some people
this can disrupt their sense of momentum in habit and routine .

For me?
Getting motivated and staying motivated can be tough, especially when facing the discouragement of missing a day.

Deliberately putting in extra time and effort towards getting my motivation fired back up is usually the greater priority for me at that point.

Part of that is to keep mentally focused on imagining the end result of reaching my goal,
rather than indulging the distressing distraction of my setback. The aim is to use this to speed up, (not slow down in wishing, but not doing).

I find that it’s right to keep getting back up and trying again, even when it might feel as though I’ve failed completely.

If your question is more about losing physical progress and wanting the most effective way to make up for that?

Physical deconditioning –
where the body loses muscle and becomes weaker – takes more than a single day.

Eventually , enough skipped days would start to be a drag.
Yet – Even then, it really is just a matter of getting started again and sticking with it.

The body eventually responds and catches back up.