How do I fight smartphone addiction?

Andre T.
Switch the phone off every other hour and do something else that brings your happiness and contentment. Things like going for a walk, listening to a favourite song or writing a poem etc. Being off radar just every other hour will mean a mental break for you and only a relatively short wait for any folks trying to get hold of you.
Joerg F.
Switch the phone off every other hour and do something else that brings your happiness and contentment. Things like going for a walk, listening to a favourite song or writing a poem etc. Being off radar just every other hour will mean a mental break for you and only a relatively short wait for any folks trying to get hold of you.
Odila I.
Try to turn off your phone for a day, or plan a fun event before, so the next day you can be away from your phone. You can also reward yourself when you go a certain amount of time without it.
Lewis C.
I fight it with things to do, start small, important is to start, it gets addictive but try to reduce it doing other stuff.
Insa Q.
Switch the phone off every other hour and do something else that brings your happiness and contentment. Things like going for a walk, listening to a favourite song or writing a poem etc. Being off radar just every other hour will mean a mental break for you and only a relatively short wait for any folks trying to get hold of you.
Amalie N.
Try to turn off your phone for a day, or plan a fun event before, so the next day you can be away from your phone. You can also reward yourself when you go a certain amount of time without it.
Sherry Z.
Try to turn off your phone for a day, or plan a fun event before, so the next day you can be away from your phone. You can also reward yourself when you go a certain amount of time without it.
Mer U.
Try to turn off your phone for a day, or plan a fun event before, so the next day you can be away from your phone. You can also reward yourself when you go a certain amount of time without it.
Deann X.
Switch the phone off every other hour and do something else that brings your happiness and contentment. Things like going for a walk, listening to a favourite song or writing a poem etc. Being off radar just every other hour will mean a mental break for you and only a relatively short wait for any folks trying to get hold of you.