Venceslau E.
Trial and error! You won’t find your ideal routine within the first few days. Try out different things at the beginning, focus on what’s feels good rather than what you think you ‘should’ be doing. I like following a calm and inspirational yoga video first thing – there are lots of great free ones on YouTube!
Milky Q.
I do only one exercise. I chose the exercise that burns in the areas I want to lose weight in (my lower belly and thighs) and i just do a lot of that one or two exercise. I only do Russian Twists. I do 50 counts of it.
Jasmin X.
I tried many apps and many YouTube videos until I found one I love to use the one that is here. I exercise in the morning a little after breakfast and I exercise before I go to bed. You have to try everything to get the good routine.
Sander U.
First I made sure I was full in my apetite. Then, before I sat down to do any work, my first goal was to excercise. While excercises make sure to not stress and just go with the flow. Thanks fir asking and good luck!
Niousha A.
I asked ke trainer, but I also use FitOn and NTC application. They ask you about your weight, height and workout routine and according to you responses make a suitable plan for you
Milan X.
When listening to music I'll sometimes dance if I'm alone. Seemed like something I already thought was fun and would. Be easy to integrate. On days I'm not feeling well I'll do yoga to center and stretch slowly.
Cristina T.
I just start trying and i follow my feelings. I try to walk, cyclette, 7 min workout + 11 non stratching in Faboulous options. I change that during the week. When i don't want to di anything i just dance a song my way doing my favorite exercises during the music
It's isn't the easyest thing ti ti, but i still watch images of good bodies and that help me to find the motivation
Good luck!:)
It's isn't the easyest thing ti ti, but i still watch images of good bodies and that help me to find the motivation
Good luck!:)
Riley U.
Iplay softball so I decided to find something that would fit with the workout a I normally do and some that could help me get better