How can I stop the laziness keeping me from meditating?

Simon N.
Focus on the outcome not on the task, medititating will make you a person higher in energy which results in being more loveable, more energetic and overall more generous of life. Practice is preach.
– Menno Mitrovic
Simon N.
That’s a good one. It’s hard to define an action that can help me to meditate but lately, meditating in group has helped me to do it
Simon N.
If you are lazy try to get up no matter what, meditate you are going to see how amazing it is. That will give you motivation to do it in the other days because you know it is good for you and you actually like it.
Simon N.
I can left doing things before 1 hour from going to bed. It can give me the time to focus anything I want. I am playing games until I am really close to go to bed.
Simon N.
Recently I've been feeling really fatigued and finding it hard to want to do things. I am lacking in motivation but I've recently needed some headspace to move on into a more positive way of thinking after not being selected.
Also because I think constantly and possibly over analyse things I crave time to switch off and mong it in front of the TV. I don't want to concentrate on anything.
Simon N.
If you now how much meditation will hepl you try every day it jut 7 minutes and you will feel better i swear take care 💛
Alina F.
Meditating helps me connect to the universe. Yes, there is always that urge to just watch some Netflix or stay in bed, but meditating also helps you feel even more relaxed! It’s only takes a minimum of 5 minutes to meditate and it will really help you out. Try using guided meditations to help you visualize.
Moua Z.
Use it to your advantage. If it's terrible getting out of bed. Start there and just remove devices and lay there, in shavasana pose which is on your back legs out and arms palm up. Then just relax and stay there a bit. Or you can just count down from 5. The more you think about something the more likely you are to ignore or not do it. There has been research that shows the is a 5 second window before the brain tends to shut out the option. You just need to get up and act before then! Also, remind yourself that it's not too hard to do at least 5 minutes of meditation. Even that small amount goes a long way. ❤️🙏
Simon N.
Just turn on the timer or the meditation music and don’t meditate…soon you will just be doing it naturally because the music or ambient sound track just calms your mind into a rhythm. You’ll realize it’s not hard at all or something to be avoided. You’ll begin to crave your meditation time because it automatically makes you feel better.
Simon N.
When my alarm goes off in the morning, I just get up straight away so that I don’t think before I get up. I also charge my phone on the other side of the room, so I have to get up to turn it off. This wakes me up faster, and then I go downstairs and do 5 minutes meditation 🙂 also, meditation is very calming so don’t think about it too much and just do it lol
Simon N.
Take advantage of moments where you have to sit still somewhere, like when on the train or right before going to sleep. Even if you meditate for as short as 3 min, the built up of that will make meditation into a habit, thus making it easier to happen
Emma T.
Well, for me, I try to target my meditation on what I want to accomplish. I also use guided meditation, so it gives me something to focus on.
Simon N.
I think this app can assist in combating laziness by following the list of tasks and feeling the sense of accomplishment as we check off everything on the list, one by one.