How can I record my accomplishments for these to-do lists?

Alison E.
people really love to strike out to do list items. That could be opposed to underlining the items that you haven't finished yet at the end of the day
Frederikke G.
If you mean The Fabulous, there's a box at the bottom of the screen that asks a question where you can record thoughts about things like feelings, context, achievements for the to do item.

If it's your to do list you can do that in your laptop and then split the page into 2 columns. I draw a box around the second column (on right) and print it out.

I start with a regular Word monthly calendar where I list all to do's and bold to prioritize for that day (or change the color). Then in a separate document, weekly (Monday through Sunday) I make a 2 column document and draw a blank box around the blank right hand column.

Then I print and staple it. Later I put it in a 3 ring binder. I carry 2 different color pens (green and purple or blue) plus a highlighter and carry the weekly calendar.

In there, I take notes on the Word list on left and write achievements, accomplishments, what happened on the right.

You can also buy a calendar. I like the ability and flexibility of Word because I can insert journal pages between calendar pages.

Eloane N.
I used to really struggle with negative self-talk and put too much on my to-do list each day, which guaranteed failure. I started to keep a DONE list instead, keeping a list of things I did instead of needed to do. Now I use both, and don’t stress too much if one doesn’t look like the other, because no plan survives contact with the enemy! Maybe keeping a done list next to your to-do list will help you too 🙂
Liana J.
iPhone notes. They have a tick list, they’re dated, and they’ll save to iCloud

Alternatively you can buy a notepad, ideally one that means something to you, or one you bought from a special place. Label the notepads and put them somewhere meaningful.

You could also voice record them and save them as computer files. Not as sentimental, but they’ll remain forever

Avery S.
I could write a journal or blog about how my day has gone, focusing on what I achieved and how I can be successful tomorrow.