Fellow fabulous members what if us app users are just children and can not do most of the challenges???

Mer Y.
Ask a parent or older sibling to sit down with you for 15 minutes every day to do them with you. Sharing things helps motivate yourself and others and can keep help you on track.
Divin Ia N.
Do as many as you can. Achieving what you can achive will make you feel as small victories and this will encourage you to do more!
And also ask the app devolopers to make a kid version of the app!
Heinz Q.
Yes might be Because they keep setting goals at first time and forget everything later. If this steps are repeated, children will not feel any attract from this app. Actually I did same thing…even now😂
Kylie Z.
I would say that the fabulous app is set up to where you can do it whether you are a child or an adult for instance drinking water everyday it's a great way to start your day and building on small goals showing compassion is another great challenge to do everyday those things don't cost any money and they only take a very short amount of time another great challenge that is very beneficial is walking just five minutes everyday built on the things that you can and be consistent and then when the opportunity arises for you too take on a bigger challenge you will be prepared because you will have conquered the smaller things
Lloyd W.
When I was pearning to read, my mom would hand me a magazine, I clearly could not read. She'd say, Just pick out the words you know. And so for a while I read an article and all I could read was and, the, a, etc.

So, just do tgose things that you know, build habits on those things you know until you learn the others.

Amelia O.
Unfortunately, that would mean this app isn't designed for you. Perhaps there is another, more user-friendly app to help with whatever your goals.