The idea of a to-do list is to help you focus on the most important thing for you. Rambling to-do lists are just would like to see done not need to be done today.
It also works the other way around, if I’ve made a paper list and things haven’t gotten finished, I’ll add them in my phone app!
I’m working on it.
I think I need to cut down my lists on my phone. One trick I have occasionally found useful is to use emojis, pic art 🖼, & abbrev rather than typing full words. I also try to categorize but mainly by trying to stick an to ABC system. Also I try to categorize only to a ToDo List and Top 3 Priorities rather than separate “Work” and Family” To Do Lists.
I keep a separate electronic Groceries List and an electronic web based calendar that syncs with my phone and email.
I need to use my small portable spiral notebook 📒 and pen more often. I definitely use it day to day when I really need to clear my mind, block distractions, & get focused work accomplished.
I hope that answers your question even though there wasn’t really paper in there.
For me digital planners are easy for to ignore, especially if I am in the middle of another task, but a paper to do list requires a mindful effort for me to review.
On the flipside, scheduling dates opposed to tasks works better for me digitally, but only on my phone.
About the length and carryover, it happens because if things that take up time or that arrive unexpected. Ex. I had planned to go home and cook and help my daughter among other things, but 1o mins before I was leaving work my spouse informed his car was just hit and undrivable, so my evening to do’s definitly weren’t crossed off.