Do you do the same exercise every day or do you mix it up?

Marie P.
I do the same exercises for my back and they are specific for the problem that I have. They are yoga and general sciatica relief moves šŸ™‚
Julia P.
I tend to dance, but in a time crunch I will do something more intense for a shorter time. I also do yoga every other weekday!
Mariam A.
If It's A Workout For One Part Of The Body (For Example My Arm) Then The Answer Is No But If I Randomly Switched From Arm Exercises To Belly Exercises For Example Then Yes šŸ™‚
Galan F.
Yes, mostly i do a seven minute workout. But sometimes when we go out I consider walking as exercise. But when im busy i go back to only five push-ups.
Silje U.
I dont usually do the exercise every day. I have days what i do like leg, chest, shoulders, backā€¦ but sometimes i do mix them because im so tired sometimes to do them all.
Edmund Z.
It actually depends on my mood šŸ˜Šā€¦.I usually use the thread mill, but today, for example, the thread mill didnā€™t work so I did a little dance routine instead.
Chloe F.
in the morning, i usually count my walk to class as my exercise, or a light stretch in bed if iā€™m not gonna leave the house. i mostly work out in the afternoon/ evening and almost always do yoga of different styles. so i do roughly always the same things, but it may vary on my plans or energy for the day
Anna N.
I am not very consistent in exercising. But I try to stretch in the morning when I get up and right before I go to bed. I also try to take at least a 15 minute with my dog every day. However, I have worked exercise into my evening routine, so I will do one of the short Fabulous workouts. So I would say I pretty much do the same thing every day.
Roman T.
I do dance for cardio about every workout, however I do mix up my strength workouts. I workout different parts of my body and try to do a different workout every cycle. So, Iā€™ll do one workout for arms, then the next time an arms day comes up, Iā€™ll do a workout different from the last.
Tristyn Y.
I usually stick to the same criteria that I want to work on, right now itā€™s my core muscles. But, I switch up the certain exercises I do every other day.
Daree Z.
I do a 3 mile brisk walk almost daily. Somedays I wear 5 pound ankle and/or 4 pound wrist weights, and somedays I do a Body Groove dance workout or yoga practice. I feel much better mentally physically and emotionally when I move my body. I'm better able to focus on my work and have a better overall outlook.
Emma U.
I usually exercise ā€œHourglass abs workoutā€ – by Daisy Keech, Witch only takes about 10 min. But at Wednesdays I exercise at the gym for an hour.
Anza O.
I try to mix up my exercise routine. If Iā€™m running late, Iā€™ll do a shorter routine that still gives me a workout. Sometimes I follow a workout on here, but most of the time I just kinda create my own.
Johanne U.
I usually do about the same because most of the exercise i do is the conditioning in my dance schedule that has basically become a routine over the years
Sergio F.
I dont do same excercise all time ….i prefer to do exercises for different each days…and i do do 3 -4 same exercice on daily basis…
Anna P.
Personally i do some of the same exercises because i like to focus on one part of my body at a time but if you wanna work on all your body or different parts at the same time it would be better to mix it up
Kurt E.
I mix up. If I feel more energetic I go out for a walk. If I am down I go dancing to my favourite songs. And if I have period cramps or migraine I do some light stretching. I am just starting to return to be active so I am taking it slowly.
Santiago S.
I mix it up but usually in the evening, after lunch and before dinner. I find it gives me a pick me up and positivity for the evenings to finish strong in terms of healthy habits.
Abhisek C.
Mix up. Someday I do the 7 mins workout, some other I just do walking or on some mornings, I randomly do the exercises I remember and like the most….
Klaudia Q.
Sometimes i mix it up to try something new and whenever i feel like Iā€™m doing good then I add something new just to take on the challenge
Vicki P.
I have been doing the same workout for the last three days, but I am going to spice it up from tomorrow. I'm going to become the best version of me and nothing will change my mind.
Beverly O.
I love switching it around & trying new programs. I do a lot of yoga, pilates, bodyweight exercises, etc. In the future I'd like to incorporate weights as well.
Simon Z.
I do what feels achievable. Anything that fits into my energy level and what I have planned for the day. If I plan on showering that morning, I'll sweat a bit more. Otherwise, yoga, a little dance, walk, or bike ride works just fine.
Anna B.
While I have a main exercise routine that I try to do most days, if I donā€™t have access to my usual equipment and space, or if I have more or less time then usual, Iā€™m not afraid to switch it up šŸ™‚
Savannah P.
I do the same one every time. Stretching. For me, itā€™s a small but affective way to get my body moving to start my day. šŸ™‚
Fani A.
For now I do the same exercise every day, it helps me actually decide to do the exercise. I donā€™t know why but knowing what I have to do helps me actually go for it and do it šŸ˜€ I guess in the future I can start mixing exercise routines and I hope that with experience variety will come.
Sao Y.
I go to classes where the exercises are different every time. It's more fun and keeps you going. Repeating the same thing over and over again every day is too boring for me
Spexz Fn N.
I do the same one every day so i can get used to it and get my body ready for the next routine i do, so i will change it up when i get used to this routine i have now,
Hamed T.
Not exactly the same. I try to be flexible both because it adds to the joy of exercise and helps you keep going (and not procrastinating). You can do it by changing the order of exercises, the time, etc.
Sulani Q.
I do the same exercise every day. However, sometimes there isn't enough time to fit the entire work-out in so I shorten it, yet keep it the same, maybe lower the reps from 10-5 or so on.
In S C.
I definitely mix it up. There's obviously some types of workouts I prefer and bend to, but I like to change as my mood and body feel. I go between cardio, strength workout, just dancing, pilates, for a walk or run…
Amelly P.
Morning exercises are new habit for me, so for now I'm trying out various work out routines. Maybe later I'll stick to one routine that suits me the best. On the second thought, different exercises every morning may be good too, because you can tailor your activity to your current needs or your mood this particular morning.
Ralph E.
I mix it up. Depending on the weather, my energy and my plans for the day. I can take a walk, jump rope on my front porch, or hula hoop or dance inside
Sidney N.
Mostly, I jump around, dance around, squat a little, stretch a little, just keep in constant motion for the exercise period.
Clara T.
At the moment Iā€™m not really doing exercises, Iā€™m taking the dog for a walk and Iā€™m doing some stretches. Eventually I might expand and add in a workout but Iā€™m taking it slow and trying to develop my routine before adding to it and pushing myself further
Vanja N.
I usually mix it up a bit in order not to get bored but overall I am doing the same type of exercise. 2-3x a week strength (push ups, sit ups, lunges)
And I am the worst at cardio, but I quite enjoy walking. So I try to power-walk as much as I can – listen to music, it is like ā€œme timeā€ but with the additional benefits.
Verity O.
I think you shouldnt do the same work out because u need a change for the muscles to rest or they wont be any point of being the work out it wont be making you healthier it be to busy fixing the broken muscle x
Nanna Z.
i mostly tend to do the same exercise everyday, which is usually me running on the elliptical for 10 to 15 minutes. i used to go to the gym but i havenā€™t been in a long time
Inez F.
I mix it up. Sometimes i take a longer walk, or i do an ab workout. If i do the same exercise every day then it gets boring way faster. And of you plan your week the Sunday before. It gives you more motivation to exercise! Thats my method ofc. If you prefer otherwise, YOU DO YOU, love <3
Monique F.
So I mostly been doing strength training workouts at home mixed with yoga poses. I will sometime go for a hike or walk or do a bit of dance or VR. I might want to go to the gym again one of these days.
Luna Q.
as far as i know, repeated exercise won't work after a while. you'll need to increase the intensity or mix the exercises up, yup. do what feels best for you šŸ™‚
Lucy U.
I do a mix up, and the excerise I do depends on how Iā€™m feeling.
I do workouts when its a normal morning for me, I do stretches when Iā€™m not feeling well and I vibe and dance when Iā€™m down.
Jessie X.
When I exercise, I choose to do yoga. I don't do the same set each day. I'll listen to my body to figure out what area I'm going to work on. I change it up, lower body, arm and core, lower back pain, and yin just to mention a few. ā˜Æļø
Rasmus Z.
I usually run every day around 2 km, and then I also follow a workout program. The program is 5 days/week: 3 days strength training and 2 days conditioning, alternating.
Randy B.
Yes and no. I ride my bike to school everyday. I also like to run everyday. But I like chancing my ab, leg and arm exercise and that have given me extremely good results. I like using youtube and Pinterest to look at before the week starts.
Emmanuella B.
Are usually do a specific regimen for a week or two and then switch it up for another workout. I might start off by running on the treadmill and then maybe do cycling and then I will lift weights ,Iā€™ll practice yoga on days that I feel very lazy. I also like the elliptical machine on days I want to move but in the same spot.
This challenges my mind and also keeps me interested in moving and working out . it has worked for me for a year now and I intend to do it for the rest of my life.
Shreya F.
Yes, i do the same excercise every morning. I did sometime feels borining. But i want to do the same excercise because it includes while body excercise.
Engelbert X.
I like to do different exercises everyday. I usually pick a exercise based on the activities of the day, and how much time I have in the morning. But I donā€™t have a completely different exercise every morning, I like to reuse them if I like them.
Sarah N.
Itā€™s either do a 10 minutes workout or doing a lot of walking. It depends on the day. Mostly is walking due to my health condition is not that strong.
Maggie O.
i like to mix it up. i use an app (nike training. center) that has bunch of different workouts. i like to do different workouts that target the same muscles
V Ndel N.
I like to change according to my feelings. If I wake up full of energy I like to do a workout with more intensity. If I had a bad night or feel tired I like to start with a gentle flow to wake up
L Rke W.
I stretch and do cardio every time I workout but the main exercises that I do are different. I focus on different areas of the body such as legs, arms, and chest.
Brian T.
Doing same exercise can make you bore however just do whatever u wanna do that day if uys walk go out , if is dance get the song
Carl W.
no, i always have something different each day of the week. Monday and Wednesday i do powerlifting and anything that is associated with weights. On Tuesday and Thursday i do cardio. Short distance and long distance. On Friday i do yoga/Pilates. Saturday and Sunday if i have time i do a short video of Zumba or just dance an hour straight to different kpop songs with hard choreos.
Mighail N.
I personally have my workout routine split into upper/lower body. I do each of these two times a week and in the remaining three days I sprinkle in other exercises and cardio. So, In my experience, it is best to have a set routine that targets all major muscle groups and then complement that with other exercises to keep yourself active.
Ilke W.
I do the same in week (walking to college every day, every wednesday walking with my grandmother). In weekends it's a little harder to exercise, I have no idea what I can do…
Silvio X.
It is important for me to have a fixed workout plan that has same exercises, however i mix it or edit every month or so. And i would switch between leg days abs and such so it wont bore me
Alice Z.
I usually mix it up. I don't always have access to easy exercises, so getting a few good stretches in is always something I can rely on.
Johanne W.
Mix it up. I say this because if you do the same exercise everyday then your body will be used to that one exercise and will only be working out one part of your body and when you go to a different exercise then your body will be way more sore then if you were to mix it up.
Arron J.
Ik doe op maandag dansen, op woensdag en zondag voetballen en de rest van de week fitnessen. Bij het fitnessen train ik steeds andere gebieden, maar doe ik wel altijd dezelfde cardio.
Soham W.
I do exercise depending on my mood. If I want to relax I do some yoga and stretching session. When I want to exercise harder I do something for muscles or I go running and I dance for example but stretching is my favourite. And whatever you do always remember about warm up to stay careful during exercises :)) and I'm sorry for my language, I'm not English native so I can do mistakes. Love you! Have a good day!!! <3
Oscar Z.
Iā€™m not sure yet which exercise i like. I do a stretch in the morning and thatā€™s it. I want to do the same one tomorrow.
Emily N.
I like to mix it up a little, but I do the same type of exercise (yoga) in the morning. Itā€™s something accessible and simple that I can commit to doing on a daily basis.
0zz Z.
I think itā€™s the best to mix the excercise up. You can train arms on the first Day and then youā€™re back the next day ect. This allows you to target every muscle group.
Helfried Z.
i do different exercises every day, sometimes i only work upper body, sometimes the other way around, if you have trouble finding exercises, i advise you to follow a certain program, there are many applications like this one
Denise Q.
I mix it up. Walk one day stretches next yoga on another stationary bike on another pilates. On another. I have osteo arthritis so this helps me to keep on moving without overdoing it.
Jacob Z.
i usually do the same exercises everyday, although i want to expand on it i canā€™t right now until i feel more confident and motivated to do more out of my realm.
Milos O.
I mix it up. I find itā€™s easy to get bored with one exercise which isnā€™t conducive to keeping habits. So, I have a set of options Iā€™m happy with and rotate through them as I desire.
Edward S.
I mix it up. I find various ones on YouTube. In the search bar, I type in morning exercise or stretches. They have tons of videos! I usually do the quick 10-15 minute exercises before I start getting ready for work. If Iā€™m running late, I squeeze in the 5 minute video. The past weekend, I attempted to do the 30-45 minute ones. It was a challenge. It really does make you feel different afterwards! I actually feel energized and awake and good about myself!
Lis V.
I usually mix it up. The first day, I tried to do the 7 minute exercise routine that came with the app but I found it too intense and I was sore for the rest of the day. The next day, I did a 10 min morning stretch routine by following a Grow With Jo video on YouTube. Some days, I take a short walk. Other days, I play an exercise game on the Nintendo Switch. I prefer low-impact exercises (like walking) since I'm just getting into exercising after years and years of a sedentary lifestyle.
Anna F.
I like to have like a plan, some day abs Workout the other day thighs workout sometimes even go for a run. For me it's just boring to do the same thing every day
Prutish W.
Same everyday is best, as long as you're able to push yourself over time – I do a 10min HIIT workout. Mixing up a few times a week with something else e.g. a run, walk or weights helps keep it interesting too.
Terri Z.
The same, maybe I should vary. I'm used to exercise on my break short periods so maybe that the reason I didn't innovate
Karla P.
I try to do various things to avoid thinking about this repetition that could bore me, I try to make every day interesting so that I can go on for as long as possible!
Janna N.
I change it depending on my mood. I only exercise how i feel like exercising, somedays itā€™s a short walk, somedays itā€™s full body workout, or yoga or danging etc.
Steven S.
Mix it up depending on how much time I have and how sore I am from the day before. Sometimes itā€™s stretching/yoga, others itā€™s an ab routine
Sonia Z.
I usually mix it up. One day I would learn the choreography to my favorite songs, sometimes I would just walk and others I would just do some excersises in bed.
Jonathan W.
I used to do yoga when I first started using the app, then when I donā€™t have enough time in the morning Iā€™ll just shift my exercise into sports like basketball or table tennis in the evening
Alina F.
I mix it up, having same exercise is good if there is a specific goal. I mix it up, because depending on the day of what I want to focus on being stronger or more flexible.
Sczeane Q.
I mix it up. Same exercise every day is boring. I love to mix it up to dancing to sports to yoga or just a simple exercise and doing chores šŸ˜‰. It gives me variety and I can work out all of my body, even my brain! On the other side, for some, same exercise is their pick because it keeps track of their progress or they want to master something. I do the latter sometimes when I want to workout something about my body.
Maryam S.
I do walk for at least 35 minutes everyday, other than that I have recently started experimenting with different styles of exercise, So far I like some yoga, pilates, and general fitness exercises, and I am uncomfortable with jumping exercises due to having constant headache,
I would like to try running and dancing in the next few days.
Ceril Nia F.
Personally I do the same exercise every day but I am out of shape and am working to be more fit. I only start with small things and build up, stopping if it starts to hurt.
Carl N.
I follow a program so itā€™s always something new unless I repeat the program. That way I target each muscle group throughout the week.
Helen Z.
I do different exercises every morning. When I have enough time I do some long time exercises. If I get up late and don't have much time for morning exercises, I do one Minute workout
Janay C.
As a cheerleader i mix it up every morning some mornings i go to the gym other mornings i dont have time for that so i just go for a quick run with my dog and then others i just do a light workout or stretch its all based on my time frame and my bodys capabilities
Ildik J.
I usually pick 3-4 exercises, they are for the same muscle groups, but I change sometimes the exercise so it's a bit different.
Corey Z.
I mix it up. My body needs different things on different days, sometimes I need to start slowly, sometimes I want to jump right into cardio. It really depends. My exercise should reflect the diversity of my bodyā€™s needs.
Josue P.
It depends on what Im doing on that day. On Mondays ill do chest and back, Tuesdays ill do arms and core, Wednesday ill do legs, and do that again in order till Saturday then have my rest day on Sunday
Elizabeth J.
Mixed it up. I complete a work out routine that is based in increments of 2 weeks. The days are separated into different muscle groups. After the two weeks, another set of exercises are followed in the same manner. Also, I try to I corporate HITT OR cardio. I would like to start including yoga.
Laura Z.
I run everyday but every so often Iā€™ll bike or swim. When I run tho Iā€™ll do different distances and different routes to change it up a bit
Olivia U.
I mix it up from time to time but overall I keep it the same. The same workout is simple and predictable. Easier to fit into the day.
Heidi A.
No, I donā€™t exercise everyday, and since it is not a routine, I donā€™t end up doing it any day, then I donā€™t get my energy out, then my energy turns to anger, then I take it out on someone. I should really exercise.
Rowan N.
I try to follow the PPLPPLR exercise routine (I'm not very good at routines but I'm trying). What that means is P=push (chest and arms), P=pull (back and arms), L=legs, R=rest, starting on Sunday (so Saturday is my rest day). I use the app Jefit to track my exercises. It's also a great app for beginners because it shows you how to use machines and provides simple routines. If I can't motivate myself to go to the gym, I do basic exercises in my room for 15 minutes just to get my heart going. That includes push ups, planks, dips, leg lifts, calf raises, and squats.
Sophie A.
I mix it up! My favourite choice is a morning dance party but I also hula hoop, go to the gym, or run around the garden with my dogs šŸ™‚
Nick T.
I prefer to mix it up but right now I'm a toddler in exercising so i just do some movements that's necessary for my balance
Anatole W.
I use a basic but leave some space for interpretation how I feel. Sometimes I start with rowing and than running on the machine. And other day I only run. Lot depends on how I feel but always try to start the day with a healthy exercise.
Abby E.
Well good question. Every day of the week I target a new muscle and sometimes repeat it twice. But anytime I target the same muscles for example; arms I usually do the same exercises.
Kim Z.
It depends on my mood usually i stick to one routine of exercises but if i felt anxious or depressed i go with exercises i enjoy like dancing
Karla C.
smith machine squats, treadmill for when iā€™m at the gym and high squats, daisy keeches 10 minute ab workout for when iā€™m at home
Rudolf X.
i switch between abs and pilates which for the most part are the same thing but the exact exercise/routine switches up each day
Russell E.
As I'm an awfully non-athletic and disorganized person I've decided to start with the same exercise routine from Fabulous (8-minute). Hopefully, will add sth new later! Because the routine also bores me…lol
Alvin G.
No, I don't do the same exercise everyday.
As we get bored of repetition
We should also vary up small things in our morning routines
Some Exercises are:
Gym work
Chores(yes, if you do heavy chores)
And many more

Hope you have a great day!

Kenzo S.
I mix up my exercises. I have a routine, that I donā€™t always follow, which is lower body, HIIT, rest, HIIT, upper body, pilates/barre, rest.
Alfred F.
I do a different exercise everyday to work on a different portion of my body and to mix it up so it's easy and to keep me motivated because sometimes it's easy to talk yourself out of a workout if it's the same one everyday
Jeff F.
I like to mix it up, becausd then its more interesting for me to do it, and honestly I have more fun with it! Keep going! šŸ’—
Evan O.
I have three routines a rotate through and then throw in hikes and sports to mix it up. Doing the same thing every day can be boring!
Darryl A.
I think it's easier to do the same exercise every day for me because I prefer a routine and things being the same daily. It also helps me keep doing it every day as I know what it's going to be each time.
Nicolette I.
I saved a bunch of exercises I like and do as many as I can in whatever order I want for 30min to an hour. So I guess you could say I mix it up.
Edith G.
I mix it up sometimes like sometimes I do cardio and abdominals but sometimes I like to do abdominals and endurance training or any other sport
Good T.
I have an app for exercise so I do the exercise which it preferred and I noticed that the exercises are quite different than previous one
William J.
I love to mix up! I make sure I stretch and walk everyday, but I love to try new workouts, yoga poses and other fun sports and exercises
Barbara Q.
I do according to the day I have ahead. Maybe Iā€™ll be doing some 10minutes yoga or stretching and the I do the rest of the exercise. Knowing that I have the gym and everything
Gordon C.
I usually run a few laps each day but I also do ballet for exercise! I like to do the same thing every day but occasionally, if Iā€™m not feeling up for running, I will do something different.
Valeria S.
Ä°t is a little complecated cause i just new in this thing tyesterday i prefer in this app exercise but today i tried another exercise šŸ™‚
Da Kiya O.
I enjoy mixing things up whether it be going on a nice walk, doing some yoga, jumping rope, swimming and roller skating whatever feels right for my body at the time because I personally to stay consistent I enjoy having a vibe that matches my day. It also depends on what my week looks like hard day at work Iā€™m less likely to jump rope due to healing past injuries some relaxing swimming then a nice bubble bath to flow away into and onto my next dayšŸ„°šŸ’“
Janessa F.
It's different depending on how the day starts. Usually, I wake up and dance to some nice music, but other days it's stretching or a walk around my house. Every day can be different, and so can my exercises.
Emma P.
I mix it up. I like working on different body parts everyday and I don't like doing the same exercises all the time either.
Hoopa G.
Personally I like to focus on 2 things abs and legs .So when I work out One day I focus on legs to one day I focus on abs. This allows my mussels to have a break in a certain area which personally works for me but this is what I do.<3
Patricia X.
I mix it up. I'm a ballerina so i do different exercises to different types of dancers (contemporary, ballet, among others)
Luna A.
My ex are different each day. Sometimes I take a skateboard and ride around the block, sometimes I just do a quick stretch.
Barbara P.
I go for a walk outside every day I can. There always something new to see — a cute squirrel, new leaf colors or dropped leaves, geese flying overhead. If I can't walk I ride my exercise bike. And I try to do some strength exercises most days as well.
Cyan N.
Mostly the same because thatā€™s what Iā€™m use to. I often do the same exercise in the morning because I donā€™t want a bad start to my day and I know what works for me. šŸ˜€
Lente J.
I personally love to do the same exercise in the morning and in the evening I switch it up but you need to do what you like
Brenda P.
I have a mix of routines. A morning set of stretches and Yoga moves. A stationary bike and treadmill 30 minutes workout. An evening yoga routine.
Gordon S.
I try to mix it up. I plan out workouts depending on how I know Iā€™ll feel. Usually I do something light on Monday and Friday.
Alfred B.
I like to mix it up but am trying as a New Years resolution to do yoga everyday – even if I do another form of exercise I try to do yoga too at another time of day
Armando W.
I mix exercises, due to everyday I train a different body part. So once a week I make legs workout, another day I workout abs…so my exercise routine is changing everyday
Grace Y.
I mostly exercise the same everyday, but Iā€™m pretty sure you are supposed to mix it up
I just donā€™t have a lot of time in the mornings and I need a quick routine. Iā€™ve been planing to write an exercise plan in my journal so I could follow it. I wold recommend mixing it up
Hubertine F.
I try to keep it consistent for a month or so , but when it is the last few days of the month i.e, the ending of the month I try to try a different exercise for just a few days. Then I get back on routine just like how I started.
Suleiman H.
Mixing should be better, so that you can exercise different part of you body. But if you have one goal then you can try same exercise every day.
Jill X.
Actually I downloaded an application that recommend for me some exercises, the name of the app is morning warm up.
I just to do some simple warming exercises just yo get ready for the whole day, and they recommend different exercises every day.
Rui T.
usually the same but thatā€™s due to heavy chronic pain i deal with due to a few chronic health conditions. but i like to swim a lot cause itā€™s easier on my body
Inis T.
I'm following a yoga challenge at the moment. My instructor, Adrienne, sets the asanas for the day, so I don't need to think. She does it for me. They vary, but have a few repeating asanas.
Jackie N.
I do a fitness challenge on YouTube and their are different exercise videos each day to target different baby areas but the warm up and cool down are the same everyday
Elias Z.
I have a basic go-to, convenient exercise which I mix up with either a stretch routine to benefit different parts of the body or outdoor walking.
Kaiser I.
I use an application for exercise, so my stretches are always the same but my workout is always different. However, I try to different stretches as well, so it won't become boring
Drew X.
I do the same exercises everyday. Ingraining a set routine helps me prepare and follow through with my goals and plans and keeping things the same establishes this routine
Castelino A.
I do exercises off of youtube but always by the same creator. So there is familiarity towards their style but I change the videos I follow.
Ruth N.
I do the same one each time, but not because I donā€™t want to change it up. I simply donā€™t have the mental capacity/energy to do more/different. I do 30 min on the treadmill, with the height at 6 and the speed at 3. Itā€™s quick, easy, gets my heart rate going, and I can sustain it. Better to be simple and consistent!!
Mariel E.
I used to do just one workout consistently, but I'm currently following a program which involves different workouts every day. I've found that both have their own benefits.
Makayla N.
I try to stick with a routine so that my body can become more use to the same exercise and start to show improvements. I involve more in stretching because I'm a dancer, so doing the same exercises are more beneficial to me. After a while if you'd like your defiantly free to change up your exercises and try something new. Hope this helped, good luck on your journey!
Manjari N.
There is a permanent exercise routine for me . But I select any other exercise patterns and add them into my routine day by day within the permanent exercise routine
Elias Z.
I prefer to mix it up, this helps to keep all the muscles in your body strong and doesn't leave one group out. And by mixing it up you keep it new and exciting thusly making it more fun to practice and this in return making you feel more empowered
Emelisa E.
This highly depends upon what state Iā€™m in with my fitness. If Iā€™m just getting back into shape I only run and do other cardio exercises but when Iā€™m already in shape I mix working out, for instance one day I may do yoga the next day I may do calisthenics the next day I may do swimming the next day I may do circuit training so on.
Cassie N.
I mostly do the same exercise everyday, being that I have a yoga routine, but itā€™s always nice to mix it up! Some days it might be Nicer to mix things up, and do something other if your really determined and a bit bored with a daily exercise!
Erin Q.
i mix it up, doing the same thing everyday get repetitive and if i do something different everyday it makes me more motivated
Lisa Z.
I change it up. I donā€™t like being stuck in the same exact routine every day because it makes me feel stuck and somewhat depresses me. If I change it up I avoid this feeling of being trapped
Dennis X.
I usually do the same exercises but in different days, some days I just do crossfit and other days I do a more complete routine with more exercises that depend of the routine, for example leg, abs etc.
Melco Y.
I tend to complete the same thing everyday, but only because it an exercise that improves all areas of the body, is quick and easy to do, and I like doing it.

Before I settled on this though, I tried lots of different exercises to see what I liked best. It's possible on some days some of your muscles are aching, and you really don't want to make it worse, and on those days you may prefer to do a different exercise.

I think that it is less of a choice about whether you are going to do one exercise or multiple different ones, and more of a decision on what you prefer to do. Just work out what you prefer, and stick with that!

Rebecca N.
Mix it up ! Better to listen to your body to see what it feels like that morning. Doing exercise I know I will enjoy makes me more likely to stick to it.
Julia F.
I don't do the same exercises everyday. Usually I do an upper body training one day and a lower body training another day. I prefer to train two days and then I take a break for a day.
Alyssa Y.
I change it up when I feel like it. Do same sorts of things etc. Want to do more sports based as thatā€™s something I used to do a lot
Dustin F.
I exercise regularly but of different types like cardio Or pilates Or Zumba Or some body fat burn up ones. You can get different video on YouTube like anna mcnulty .
Shreeya X.
i like to start with the same thing, my full body 5 min stretching routine and then my actual workout will change depending on what area of the body iā€™ll be focusing on that day