Did u know a plastic shopping bag can make a great flosser in a pinch?

Sebastian W.
Floss off here that's Merthyr Tydfil confidential really want to talk about this flopping bag's and love eachother effortlessly chic and elegant way back to you softly Kissimmee and hugs and love eachother effortlessly stylish design Uuuu Christine xxxx walking bare feet definitely a good idea for us both need a little bit of tender loving care and talk with eachother effortlessly chic style and hugs are needed urgently please call me on my phone number is required. Bear hugs and kisses and cuddles up after talking with you softly Kissimmee softly Kissimmee and hugs and kisses and love it when you get together soon.
Susie S.
No, I did not know. But I am a zero waster, so I already used the spare bags to make baskets, ropes or to throw mixed garbage. For floss there are zero waste alternatives. Try them!