Victoire A.
I've been having problema with hydration for the pasta few yeas and Im being able to Change that. Right now, Im feeling hydrated, thanx for your concern
Jillian N.
I had some water this morning but I probably need more. My throat is a little dry and my lips are chapped so I should finish a glass of water now.
Milo T.
Yes, ever since I started drinking water when I wake up for the past 3 days, I'm starting to get used to it because of this app. Fabulous really makes me happy, and because of how it helps me, I recommended it to some of my friends and relatives too.
Jeanne E.
I think I am mildly dehydrated, as when I was asked this I realized I was a bit thirsty after a walk. Thank you for the reminder!
L Rke C.
je suis hydratée, j’ai bu ce matin en me levant, avant de faire de l’exercice, après, et encore maintenant. espérons que ça en vaille le coup parce que ma vessie a un volume limité ;p
Juan Q.
Yes! Thanks for asking. It is now the first thing I do everyday. And is way easier when I put a bottle near my bed before going to sleep.
Zosia O.
Yes because it sets me up for the day and I've been drinking more water through out my day which I I don't normally do.
Mickelle O.
I tried to stay hydrated but my mouth is always dry I drink water and Gatorade milk and water and pop all day long I cannot seem to get hydrated I also drink tea