Z Lio T.
It has not been difficult. It probably depends on your personality. I enjoy the idea of little steps towards large accomplishments. I just try to commit to one or two new things every few weeks. I like the habit check list because it is gratifying to do the things I planned to do and put them behind me for the day.
Logan Y.
There’s a YouTube video I used before called “Boost your Aura!” For meditation use. On Spotify I use songs that relaxes you. I recommend apps other than music, you can use “Calm,” or Slumber for sleeping meditating.
Eleonora N.
App headespace, è gratuita solo x un tempo limitato ma fatta bene. Una piccola guida alla meditazione si trova anche su Netflix e si chiama Headspace. Io seguo su YouTube Carlo Lesma per una meditazione guidata, Dandapani spiega invece brevemente su YouTube come fare a meditare
Logan Y.
I definitely listen to my peaceful jams on my Spotify, while meditating. YouTube helps too. They both work just as good with elevating music. I would definitely recommend it. Meditation is one step up through human kindness. It’s also like a harmony.
Katherine C.
Atom is a completely free app. It's basically a 21 day meditation course. It's not specifically to lessen social media but it's pretty great
Frederikke P.
Calm is a good app to use. I have been using it for the last 3 years for bedtime with my children. My daughter has to listen to the same bedtime story every night before bed and my son loves the soundscape themes! They both find it very relaxing 😌 There is also plenty on their for meditation etc but you will need to subscribe for the meditation to get the most out of it. I don’t subscribe for what I need it for though and we seem to get by just fine!
Lyla N.
i love smiling mind for that! it’s an app that’s free and you put in your age, goals etc and it has personalised meditation courses for you to follow! i always feel so tired after mine but i’m pretty sure that there’s ones for morning too. al time favourite meditation app!
Melanie N.
I love Yogi Bryan on all media’s. I listen to certain mantras and chants on insight timer from monks. I love meditating to the chant of Om. Hands down my favorite is yogi Bryan.
Michelle E.
i use the calm app. it's free, but to access everything you have to pay a subscription. i started with the 7 days of calm on the app, which is a good intro! (also included in free version)