Caitlin Q.
Start small and be mindful of the positive changes, even the very small ones. You will start associating healthy when feeling good which in itself will be a motivation to continue. When you do eat something “unhealthy”, don’t blame yourself or engage in black and white thinking. Otherwise you will start associating food as blame and give up healthy eating habits altogether.
Isabella S.
Yes, you can start by cutting out salt from your diet, drink 1 and a half liters of water a day and use less microwave foods and or drinks, that means cook and boil everything.
Petros X.
Al ir al super por las compras, evita pasar por aquellos pasillos donde esta la comida chatarra. Haz listas de las cosas q necesitas , asi al llegar al super solo ve por ellas y evita otras cosas q no esten alli.