Hana W.
Cheese, nuts, yogurt, overnight oats with protein powder, humus with carrots or something, avocado, smoothie with protein powder
Dianne J.
I suggest, and have been ‘consuming’ each morning a complete nutritional shake. I make mine the night before from Huel. It’s super fast and easy to make before hand and is full of everything you need and keeps you full. I highly suggest that you invest in a higher quality blender to use with it. I could go on for days ….
Alison E.
Greek yogurt full day has good protein. Add some nuts like almonds even better protein.
You could also use egg white protein powder in a smoothie with fruits (try to avoid juice).
Or you can bake eggs with veggies on Sunday or twice a week and only have to microwave them in the morning.
Suzanne P.
Greek yogurt with chia seeds, sliced apple or celery with peanut butter, cheese and fruit, fruit smoothie with yogurt, nuts with seeds and dried fruit. There's also cups of oatmeal with high protein you prepare the night before. If you can't do dairy, there are soy and (I think) almond milk yogurts.
Sylvio E.
Natural, low sugar/fat yogurt would be an alternative source for a quick protein breakfast.
If you still prefer eggs but don’t have time to cook then you can try this 2-min steamed egg recipe:
1. Crack an egg, add a bit of water, a pinch of sugar(or mirin), and a bit of salt(or soy sauce).
2. Stir vigorously by hand
3. Heat the mixture in microwave (750 w, ca. 1.5-2 min)
Paula Q.
Hmmm… that's a good question. Nuts would be a good protein equivalent, but I can't think of anything that you could slap on a breakfast sandwich that you don't have to cook…. That being said, I have a microwave egg cooker. Just crack the egg in the container, microwave for 1 min. and you have a finished egg!
Kitty F.
Granola bars, but check the nutrition facts for sugar content. I enjoy peanut butter crackers or cereal, but I make sure to keep the sugar content low.
Silke P.
Soyabean seeds,moong,rajma,peas,like dicotyledons after overnight soaking in water they become sprouts.
Some dates & almonds.
Fruits like sitaphal,etc. Thanks
Some dates & almonds.
Fruits like sitaphal,etc. Thanks
Lawrence E.
If you take egg for the quality proteins they have, then another good substitute is whey protein. Mixed with milk it makes for a very good breakfast shake.
Neutel T.
Greek yoghurt with fresh or frozen fruit on top. Almond butter on celery. Cottage cheese with cinnamon or or granola or fruit.
Alice F.
Chia seeds in dairy/non-dairy milk can be prepared the evening before, in less than five minutes. They’re packed with fiber, vitamins and have almost 5 grams of protein per serving. You can put cheap frozen fruit on top, maybe some nuts or other seeds, and throw it all in the fridge, so you can get a head start of your five a day as soon as you wake up!
Lily T.
For breakfasts in a hurry I usually got for yogurt, smoothies, apples with nut butter (peanut, almond, etc). In a pinch I’ve even had those snack packs that’s Sargento’s makes with cheese, nuts and dried fruit or you could always boil a bunch of eggs ahead of time and just grab one on the way out the door
Maurice U.
If you not want to cook them the morning of, you can make mini quiches on Sunday by baking the eggs with some veggies. If this is because you don’t like eggs…then I’m sorry my answer isn’t very helpful.
Anne J.
You can use pasteurised egg whites that can be blended in a smoothie. It's almost tasteless, so don't worry, together with fruit it will be delicious.
Luis Q.
For quick and easy protein I usually eat a nice big spoon of almond or peanut butter. It's easy to store, readily available and great for us.
Patrick P.
I’m not sure if you’re referring to baking or not, but applesauce, bananas and flax seeds are good alternatives. They also add to the texture of the final product if you’re into that kind of thing.
Oscar W.
A combination is required to get the same amount of nutrients as are in an egg. Lentils, nuts and oats will help replace the protein and fish is a good source of vitamin D. So an oaty cracker with salmon will be a good egg breakfast replacement.
Johnny F.
Plain Greek yogurt is my favorite. I use it in smoothies or mixed with granola or fruit. Nuts, nut butter, or cheese work as well. There's also always the option of cooking the night before.