Why should we make our bed every day?

Jonas W.
If we make our bed every morning we will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give us a small sense of pride and it will encourage us to do another task and another and another, Making our bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.”
Алиса Комарова N.
To start the day with order. To begin the cycle of routines one triggering another one. Also to start with something non-demanding to allow body and mind to wake up. 🙂
Maria P.
For 2 reasons (imo). 1. The space looks cluttered and untidy if your bed is undone. 2. It is more likely to go back to sleep if it is undone and get less stuff done at the end of the day! It is also a great little habit to start the day with and get the rest of habits going!