When I can’t sleep I usually end up scrolling though my phone. Tips for stopping?

Alinca N.
Keep minimum brightness on your phone. Turn off lights. Put on earphones and play a familiar soft songs. It has helped me. Most important, go for long walk after dinner, it will make you feel tired and help to sleep. I try all these steps. Always pay attention to your body. When eyes feel heavy, put the phone down and shut your eyes.
Alinca N.
The hard part of any job is the "start" looking at phone dont make your eyes ready for sleep. Instead read a book, newspaper or your daily report; reading some paper sheet prepare you for sleep. A good sleep.
Nicole N.
Drink some warm water or tea without sugar, it helps your body relax. Also put on socks before getting into bed, if your feet are warm than your body starts to go to sleep. Finally, try not to use your phone 20-30 minutes before bed, the blue light from the srceen doesn't let your brain/eyes rest. Good luck!
Nicole N.
Substitute the phone with a book. Think about the bags under your eyes you’ll have in the morning. Tell yourself that if you stop now and sleep, you’ll be able to wake up earlier and enjoy a nice quiet morning to yourself and will most likely have a more productive day. Get things done!
Nicole N.
Turning off badges, sounds, notifications, and taking it one day at a time. Depending on the e-Mails, you could unsubscribe from unnecessary things, realizing that making a connection with your friends / family via texting, calling, or video chat, is MUCH more personal and appreciated over what is just scrolling / stalking/ lurking and telling yourself that a person posting must mean they're okay.
Nicole N.
Turn off the cell phone and put it on the other side of the room. In this way it would be also easier to get up the next morning since the alarm will be far.
Alinca N.
Make your priorities that you have to wakeup early tomorrow to do something and for that you have to sleep early and remove your distractions ..
Nicole N.
Try to keep a good book by your side or something that that won't keep you awake for hours. And try drinking tea or warm beverage before you go to sleep (No coffee or things with to much caffeine) I personally like Chamomile tea.
Nicole N.
We sometimes scroll phone meaninglessly when we feel anxiety or fear. Maybe you often get anxious about tomorrow. Or your fear of insomnia itself make you more restless. Try some other activities. Pet your dog, play guitar, draw what you like etc. Something easy, something you like to do and make you concentrate on simply one thing. Keep it simple and comfortable. When your mind is at peace, you will have good sleep.
Alinca N.
I have an app called "stay focused" that shuts down all of my social media apps at a certain time. Works for me because I have zero self-control, lol.
Nicole N.
what i do is close my eyes and start like my own story, put my phone on airplane mode so any notification would sound and stop me from dreaming awake, which soon will end on dreaming asleep
Alinca N.
I suggest to sleep write down all your thoughts or feelings in a journal if you can't sleep instead of scrolling phone. Besides that maybe you could take a walk to the kitchen and get yourself a cup of tea to warm yourself and get you in mood to sleep.
Alinca N.
Use an alarm clock not on the phone, then put the phone in another room or in a closed bag.
Focus on my breath and gradually slowing down my breaths
Nicole N.
See you just a warm shower and try to open a documentary or read a book but don't open social media it will make you more addicted to staying in it without any real benefit. And while you do what wrote up stay close to a window also playing nature tones will help. All the love stranger .
Alinca N.
Make the phone on flight mode and keep it out of your reach This Simon well for not browsing when you can not sleep and also to wake up from the ringing of the alarm, put a book next to you read it as you can not sleep or do some meditation or stretching this will help a lot and to avoid insomnia and not sleep do some exercises before bed two hours and do not eat four hours before sleep
Alinca N.
Firstset your settings to eye comfort shield or blue light shield. The blue light is what is keeping you awake. Once you do that, give yourself a time limit (let's say 1.30am?) and then put on some subliminal music and get comfortable. Empty your mind and close your eyes, focusing only on the music. You'll fall asleep soon enough.
Nicole N.
I should always aim to not use my phone 1hour before bed that gets me in the mood to actually rest and allow myself to enter state of mind that easily helps me to relax therefore I can sleep
Nicole N.
Try to put your phone as far as you can put it in your room. After that drink a full glass of water and start to think about your day, what were the things that you can improve the next day and what were the things that you are proud that you did them. If you are still awake than try to imagine positive scenes that you want to happen in your life. If this is not helping, try to listen to relacing music.
Alinca N.
put your phone one do not disturb mode, turn off all your notifications. this is how i do it because the main reason i get tempted to touch my ohone in the first place are notifications. if that doesn’t work for you, maybe you can listen to some ambient music so it would help clear your mind so you can stop thrinking about things including your phone. a darker room also helps you fall asleep better.
Nicole N.
I suggest that you should download apps like fabulous , and go out more often so that you cannot focus on your phone but you should focus in nature…………
Alinca N.
You could read instead, for example. If you really can't hang up your phone, turn it off or put it in "DO NOT DISTURB" mode, which mutes all notifications, making it easier to fall asleep.
Stefania C.
Hi i suggest you try to relax maybe listen to some music, or maybe you could watch something relaxing, for example i love the tv series friends and when i can’t sleep i watch an episode. The thing i advice you not to do is go on instagram or tiktok or something without an end.
Nicole N.
Try other hobbies that relax you, like reading, listening to quiet music. Also, separate yourself from your phone, when going to sleep leave it in another room
Alinca N.
I actually have the same problem. Something I usually do is meditate or make good decisions with what I doing on my phone (social media is probably not a good thing to be on right before bed).
Alinca N.
If you can't go to sleep, I would suggest book-and-paper journalling, scribbling. Your brain wants some entertainment/some serotonin to be able to relax and trust me, you'll get more fulfilling serotonin-inducing experience if you use book and paper. Put it as a habit that after your fixed bed-time, you are not allowed to use digital devices. Only pen, paper and minimal lighting. And your thoughts.

Best part about journalling is you can write literally anything that comes to your mind at any time. And you will always have something to write/scribble. Hope this helps!

Alinca N.
when I can't sleep and I stay up on my phone I usually get up and I write down whatever I'm thinking about. that helps clear my mind and then I won't have the erdge to go on my phone. I don't know why but it works. because it makes me tired and then I don't have anything to think about so my brain will go to sleep.