Mat As S.
I think I feel better when I have a big breakfast, but that maybe becuase the days I eat a better breakfast are my days off, so I shouldn't rush into breakfast
Rodrigo E.
I always feel better after a light breakfast like a fruit smoothie with a sprinkle of nuts and seeds. If I'm extra hungry I'll add a spoon of oats to it to tide me over.
Don U.
A smaller breakfast makes me feel a bit better than a larger one. When I eat large meals in the morning it does not sit with me well
Stella Q.
A light breakfast. Heavy breakfasts are too much in the morning – they weigh me and my mind down. A light breakfast sustains me and allows me to flow though my morning
Clayton Z.
I actually prefer having 2 small breakfasts a few hours apart. I wake up very early (4am) and it's hard to eat anything that early. So some water and a protein drink before exercising, a protein drink after exercising, and then a small meal about an hour later. This keeps me energized and prevents hungry brain fog.
Selma U.
I personally feel better with a light breakfast! I know this differs by person but I feel a little sick if I eat too much as soon as I wake up- I prefer to eat a light breakfast and maybe have some tea to have a more relaxed start to the day.
Rockit E.
I feel best about my day when I have food to eat and when I sleep soundly without nightmares. My usual breakfast is simple. Bagel with cream cheese or egg tacos. Coffee or tea ritual is a must. Anxiety and uncertainty about my future and the well being of my kids usually ruins everyday. I also feel hopeless most mornings because of so many years of crazy extreme poverty and unfortunately traumatic experiences that have not healed. Breakfast definitely helps.
Lara U.
I feel better about my day when I have a light breakfast. When I eat a big breakfast, I feel sluggish, tired, and have a difficult time accomplishing tasks that I have set out for myself for the day. Eating a light breakfast gives me just enough energy and does not make me.feel overly full or sluggish.
Pauline E.
I personally feel better about my day when I have a medium size breakfast. Not to big and not to light. The reason for that is a big breakfast often makes me sleepy because of how full it makes me. Meanwhile the light breakfast isn’t enough. My breakfast consist of two boiled eggs, some turkey bacon, and some fruit. I normally cut up some apples or I get a small cup full of grapes. Any fruit if your choice is fine as well just make sure it’s a small portion. Hope this is helpful to make your day wonderful & productive 🙂
Doris J.
Light meals are better for me in general. Of course I love to stuff myself, but I always feel lethargic and uncomfortable afterwards. Smaller meals is DEFINITELY the key.
Stefanie U.
I feel better with a light one. It allows me to focus and get started on my day. Often I enjoy doing intermittent fasting. I tend to eat healthier at those times.
James S.
When I have a healthy, complete breakfast, which includes whole grain, a fruit or veggie and a protein, with at least 8 oz of water and a coffee, I feel ready to start the day.
Samantha F.
When I have a satisfying yet adequate breakfast. Coffee only makes me feel like I'm behind and cant catch up on the day. Oatmeal and coffee makes me think I did something good for myself. Making eggs makes me feel relaxed and like I took time for me, so I'm ready to give the day all I got
Andrea Z.
Usually when i have a breakfast that satisfied me. I think that is a medium term breakfast. It's not too big or to light, is balanced. I eat like two eggs, a glass of chocolate milk or a latte with fruit or bread.
Nanna F.
I feel better with a light breakfast of something low in fat. Because then I can save my calories for something more exciting for lunch.
Marc Ntia Q.
I feel better when I eat a big breakfast cause I feel more ready for the day. Also when I have enough food I don't need to snack throughout the day
Teresa F.
A big one. I NEED a big one. I have three forms of exercise in my day kung fu ,
exercise, midday exercise.
The more excitement in your day the biger YOUR breakfast needs to be.
exercise, midday exercise.
The more excitement in your day the biger YOUR breakfast needs to be.
Gauthier Q.
Ik hou van eten, dus eet ik graag een groot ontbijt, maar ik voel me dan soms schuldig. Te licht en ik ga ongezonde dingen eten. Dus een groot ontbijt, maar niet te zwaar.
Ana F.
When I have a nice breakfast, not a big breakfast otherwise I feel heavy and tired and I tend to sit around and lose my motivation for the day. Not a small breakfast either otherwise I feel hungry and I get easily irritated
Reinhard G.
I tend to feel better when I have a light breakfast!
I still haven’t experimented with having a large breakfast, but once I get comfortable to do so I’ll compare the two.
I still haven’t experimented with having a large breakfast, but once I get comfortable to do so I’ll compare the two.
L Rke Z.
I feel better have a big breakfast of eggs and sausage. I usually take this time to read a few pages from a book or play a card game with my husband. Taking a few minutes every morning for myself starts my day out right.
Evelyn O.
Having a light breakfast is on my Type of term because it helps me with my nutrition and also keeps me active during the day
Sophia O.
Either, or !! … I tend to mix between hot and cold – or both!
Light breakfasts for heavy moods or stressful days, and big breakfasts for fueling for the day or comfort foods …
Dean P.
I feel better about my day when i eat a light breakfast because i feel that starting your day with something heavy is going to weigh you down and your body will use tons of energy to digest the food thereby making you hungry faster.