Hilary T.
I used to work in a preschool where we served breakfast. Florida requires at least 4 food groups for breakfast. Usually it was a grain, a protein, a dairy, and a fruit. I ate some of the best breakfasts when I worked there. I still shoot for that now.
Noah Q.
It's good to keep variety in life. My favorites are pancakes made out of bananas and coconut flour, an egg spinach tomato omelet, granola and nonfat yogurt with fresh fruit, or peaches and oatmeal.
Erin S.
Personally, I think oats are amazing, they can be paired with so many different toppings that it’s hard to get bored of them. In the warmer months, overnight oats are a fantastic (and quick!) breakfast, while porridge is a filling and warming alternative on those cooler days. My favourite toppings include berries and nut butter, and if you want to add more flavour to the oats cinnamon and vanilla extract are great choices.
Malone E.
Perfect breakfast to get in shape contains proteins and carbohydrates to give you energy and to make you feel full until the next meal. Also it must be low in sugar. A perfect example is oatmeal with Greek yogurt with some fruit on top
Heba N.
Oats and fruits it’s a good choice and you can also have a whole grain bread with 2teasp of honey with a cup of skimmed milk in the other hand you can count your daily calories and eat what you want but more carefully
Luc A E.
Some protein and carbs, this are good calories that will keep you actibe during the day. Avoid added sugars and make sure there's some fruit on your plate.
Morgane S.
Eggmuffins are fantastic! It's just scrambled eggs in muffin shape, I use an muffin tray when I make mine. Filling can be pretty much anything from traditional bacon and cheese to my favorite, sundries tomatoes, olives an basil. The scrambled egg recipe can be adjusted to lchf or weight watchers, depending on preference. It is also perfect to bring to picnics.
Sadaf F.
To my mind ,,healthy breakfast is fruits,egg,, oat , milk,,and some fat,,and above all have this breakfast , early morning , before 8 o'clock
Paula Q.
I am a student rower and row about 8 times per week and I always start the day with about 40 grams of oatmeal mixed with a sliced up apple and some water and then a spoon full of 100% peanut butter
Quintino N.
Oatmeal. Today and everyday. It’s simple to make, and you can make it many ways to have many flavors. It keeps you full and it tastes nice.
Serra Z.
I'm a big fan of a cut up apple dipped in crunchy almond or peanut butter. If you get the natural almond butter, you'll get great protein, healthy fat, and that yummy sweet-salty-creamy-crunchy combo that tastes so good. As an added bonus, you get in a fruit serving right at the beginning of the day!