What type of bread do you eat?

Luis P.
I eat whatever type of bread which does not have that much sugar. It is mostly to due being an athlete and being healthy.
Erhard Z.
Hi. My to-go is the sourdough but I eat ciabatta and brioche too. I know that these are not the healthiest options. Sometimes really really rarely I eat the whole grain bread. That's it! Hope you're having a wonderful day<33
Sheikh N.
I usually eat flat bread. Made with flour. We mix the flour with water and salt then roll it flat and then we fry it (not too much just hoe much it takes to cook it)
Bryan S.
I eat white bread, artesanal bread and also integral bread, there’s also one I don’t eat that much but it’s dark and has like nuts and cranberry on the edges.
Alessandro P.
I eat only prepackaged bread due to mostly time constraints, but I want to start eating better food in general as soon as I am able to, but currently having to go out to go shopping requires time and energies I still don't have, but working my way towards them.
Brittany E.
I try to stay away from white bread. I eat wheat, honey wheat, or the 40 Calorie breads. I also try to limit how much and how often I consume bread as bread can be bloating.
Kenzi P.
All breads ! Whole grain, white, baguette (I live in Paris so obv), sprouted grain, sourdough, rye, multigrain, etc. They are so many !
Rose Z.
I don't have a strong specific reason for any choice. I just buy them when I see them.. I heard it from someone that brown bread are better so I usually pick them from shelves. There is one more fact that when they have cheap price they are feeble in nutrition. So I pick ones in the range of 4 dollars. I think that's the best for me.. I feel they add more seeds and things in them when you buy with few extra dollars. I don't know if I am right but it's conventional thinking for everyone.
Kate T.
I eat Portuguese rolls for some sandwiches and I like to use potato bread for others. Occasionally I use white bread for toast and when it comes to bagels, I enjoy everything bagels and sesame bagels.