What thoughts or things make you want to exercise the most?

Jack R.
The fact the it has made me feel better and havhavemore energy over these past days where beforehand I was always feeling sluggish and worn down. I also have had regular bowel movements daily since beginning this. I know that is alot of personal info but it is important to me!
Klemens S.
Well, the thought of bettering myself is one motivation, but I feel like for me, in the moment when I am about to exercise, listening to some exciting and fun music gets me moving and happy. I have a playlist for exercising the hypes me up, and I just love it. Highly suggest you make one too.
Ros Ria Z.
Frankly, nothing much makes me want to exercise, but watching an interesting TV show or movie while I use a treadmill or stationary cycle helps keep me moving.
Mathilde U.
The energy for new day. It helps me to do things faster and happier. Then I want to start working with no problems about my body such as bones or joints
Vicki C.
Appointments with my trainers. And using The Fabulous to motivate myself to do the work on a daily basis (unless something else intervenes). I know this doesn't seem inspirational but it does help at the everyday level.

Pictures of how I looked before I gained weight help too because I know a healthy diet, not yet achieved, along with more consistent movement, and relaxing with me time and no screens for 15 minutes a day (lower cortisol levels help you lose weight) will help with weight loss and thus a healthier body.

Nolan Q.
Immobility and deterioration. The thought that I will lose my ability to move and my health if I do not. I am lucky to be able to work out and exercise. Sometimes, like now, getting into the habit of it, it's a pain and I have to push myself to get started but it is worth it because I am worth it. My health longterm means the world to me.
Elias Z.
The hope that I'll punch harder and dodge faster at my next boxing class. If I can keep up smaller goals in one setting, and relate it to another goal in a similar area, it's all a win-win situation. I go to boxing cuz I feel poweful and loved. I jog on the treadmill because it's part of the boxing regime and Everytime I jog I add if I can at least run a mile or run three miles or jog, walk jog, for a mile, I keep moving and if I do that every day my boxing improves tenfold for the next session. I stretch because my body doesn't ache as much when I do and I eat healthy when I set a meal prep plan and don't have to think about lunch for the rest of the week and it helps me cut the fat to build muscle that I'll need in boxing.
Lily T.
1. The thought of how I will feel after (fresh, powerful, confident, energized, accomplished)
2. Other people exercising with me
3. A cute exercise outfit (lol)
4. A good teacher
Jolanta O.
My favourite music, and "Fitspiration" – photos or a mood board of active things I want to do (hiking, dancing, etc). I like to think "Any exercise is better than no exercise" and remind myself "Little things add up to big results."
Jim P.
I always think about all bad happened wd me in past, about how people cheated on me, used me this encourage me to do , to show them my best to show them what they have missed 😎
Kristen G.
When I see others exercise and having fun being active. This makes me excited to get exercise and use my body. I am also motivated when I have been exercising days in a row because I know it feels good. When I eat healthy this also influences me to act healthy and exercise.
Ariovanda Q.
My friend recently bought a mountain bike, and we’ve been riding together. I love it. It’s very motivating to go riding with her. Another thing is going outside it’s summer right now and it’s nice enough to walk outside in the tank and shorts first thing in the morning. The thought of my body getting strong is a good thought for me. I like the ab work out; the four minute one on this app. And I like the one minute get moving workout. Knowing that it’s only going to la last for one minute makes it motivating to me. And once I’ve done it, I usually feel like doing some more.
Guy P.
I am an overweight 30 some year old nurse without a husband. I encourage healthy habits all day at work and it is time to start living it as an example.
Sigmund A.
Being a solid leader for my ski students. Skiing at my full potential. Feeling good about my level of fitness and skill when I'm skiing with my peers and coaches.
Sean O.
I am prompted to exercise when I lay out my mat on the floor ahead of time. If i want to exercise in the i will lay out rhe mat before i go to sleep.
Jonathan U.
A thought that makes me want to exercises the most is just reminding myself to push myself harder and that every second that passes I get closer to reaching my goals. Putting on music I enjoy also puts me in the mood to work out. Try also wearing your workout clothes and drinking water.
Sarah T.
Umm well to be honest one of the best way is imagining how I want to look like when I wear a bikini dress or how I want to look like in clothes with a thin waist…
Donald A.
I think it is the hope that I will be prepared for any situation that comes my way, any physical challenge that before I might balk at but now I will seek out. It’s the generally good mental headspace it gives you and the energy it provides you throughout the day
Andreas G.
I've been exercising consistently for over 30 years, and I've learned that I feel much better after doing something active than I did before. I've gotten to where I crave that feeling, and if I skip exercising for more than a day I start to feel stiff, uncomfortable, and generally less happy. I also allow myself a lot of flexibility on how hard I push myself when I exercise, so on days when I'm tired or unmotivated, I know I can do an easy workout and still feel a bit better after. Sometimes those are the days I end up enjoying exercising the most.
Louisa P.
Really looking forward to avoiding menstrual pain, feeling energized and thin, ready for anything at anytime and regaining strenght after a long period of lack of exercise and activity.
Marin E.
I get motivated by 3 things:
1. My daughter is a young athlete but doesn't like routine exercise and drills, so I need to keep fit to be her training buddy 🙂
2. I love doing challenges, and would like to do regular fun park runs, which are 5km, so need to work my endurance up to that level without injuries
3. I love fashion and have found that it's easier to look good in anything if you're fit than to find something that makes you look good if you're not.
Life's too short not to make the best of what you're given.
So work with what's important to you in your life outside of exercise: family, adventures, friends,etc… then tie those goals to your exercise goals and then it becomes much easier to keep going.
Edward E.
On a positive note it might be that I want to get out and meet you or get onto my stand up paddle board.

I cannot see positive note it might be because I'm feeling fat or lazy or lethargic or I'm comparing myself to something or someone else and motivates me to do something.