Sarah Q.
Once I get everything done, I usually put all my cleaning/organizing tasks on to my calendar or planner. That way, daily, weekly and monthly tasks get done and things stay relatively clean 🙂
Lucille Z.
I find that doing chores and tidying up is best done in short spurts. Do the dishes, take a break, sweep and mop the floor, take a break. As I move from room to room with the good break in between I feel like I get a lot more done in one day then if I would start at one end and go through the whole house. I also find that I am not wore out and exhausted when I'm done. And the key is to drink water the whole way through.
Paola Z.
Start preparing for the next day. Make a to do list, pull what you will need for breakfast/morning routine so it's easy to grab
Rose S.
I’m not certain what your question is. Are you asking what you should do next? Are you getting done quicker than the time given for the habit/task? If you’ve never done everything and have nothing left to do, I would exercise or meditate, or even do a secret project. You can go into your habits for that part of the day and add another habit. You can even go to one you’ve already done and do it again. I hope I understood and answered your question with the answer you were looking for.
Marsha G.
Once you’re done with cleaning there are many things you can do
I always tidy my house in the afternoon so after I'm done with cleaning i drink a cup of tea or eat something sweet or even go to my garden and take some deep breaths from the Fresh air
I always tidy my house in the afternoon so after I'm done with cleaning i drink a cup of tea or eat something sweet or even go to my garden and take some deep breaths from the Fresh air