What kind of exercise or dance you think its good to start at morning and suits a 200-pound woman?

Vin Cio F.
I have my own routine which is difficult to describe but I have enjoyed this Bollywood one as it's not too intense and a lot of fun. If it's not fun you'll loose motivation. Worth doing these everyday 🙂 https://youtu.be/KUmKKPcf71Q
Christian N.
I'd recommend you follow this app's advise and start small with something you like. You can also try out the app's exercise section if you like. Or, if you can afford to do so, join a local gym and get some personal training, participate in group courses, etc. You don't necessarily need to, though. Walking, running, etc. are fine as well. I wish you good luck! 😉
Leo S.
Stationairy cycling or walking would be good . Swimming is even better if she had easy access to a pool. Dancing, yoga, strength training, pilates or stretching are also good choices
Christoffer X.
I would say some gentle stretches using a few yoga poses at the start and building up to longer periods and tougher balancing and strength poses such as warrior one and two. Maybe followed by 5 to 10 minutes of dancing with your eyes closed to music you like.