What is the best time to have breakfast ?

Aquiles S.
The best time to have breakfast is not at a specific time, but in a certain time frame. It's important to leave enough time to make breakfast well and start the day slowly and deliberately, taking time to reflect on the day ahead.
Ana E.
For me.. as soon as i wake up. I guess i'm used to having breakfast so early – so it depends. Test yourself and see what time for breakfast fits you best.
Tim U.
I like to have breakfast at around 8:45-9:00. Having breakfast then let’s me fast for around 14hrs and let’s me do physical exercise in the morning so I feel refreshed and energised throughout the day.
Ben Z.
Depends when you usually wake up. If you're a morning person that wakes up before or at 6am, then for me it would be nice to have proper breakfast at 8am or 9am. As for me, a nice breakfast time would be around 9am or an hour after i wake up because i am the type of the person that feel nauseous if i eat right after i wake up or after i wash up. But i do drink water or tea before a filling breakfast.
Louna W.
I think the best time to have breakfast at 8:00 because when you wake up you don't feel tiered and you will feel like you want to eat your breakfast
Becky F.
The best time to have breakfast is within one hour of waking up. This provides your body with the energy it needs for a productive day.
Alma G.
Now a days l had my breakfast almost 11am to 12 because I used to watch movies late night.yerterday I think that I have to get up early in the morning.Today I succeeded to get up early and had my breakfast at 7am which is the best time to take break fast.
Tracy E.
I will usually eat breakfast around 10am. Even though it seems late, it works for me because I don’t wake up super hungry. This gives me time to wake up and move so I can have more of an appetite.
Sarah Z.
The best time to have a breakfast seems to be right after i wake up, since my day is starting quick after waking up. There’s always time for a second breakfast at work, right? 🙂
Bety F.
After drinking my water. On weekdays is usually at 9,on weekends at 10. The important thing for me is not to do anything without water and breakfast
Marisa R.
After your body has had time to wake up and start its day. I don't have breakfast right away as I feel it helps my digestive system, so aim for 30 minutes before your brain is going to do deep work or sustained thinking.
Terry O.
Breakfast makes you more energetic and gives you strength and energy for the whole day.
Also body wake ups and feel grateful.