What is the best time to exercise??

Honey O.
I personally work out late, this is because even if I didn't get much done that day, I know I have control over my exercises and I can feel productive; ending the day with at least a workout session. It's also when I feel physically the best, as people have a tendency to feel the worst when waking up (due to several reasons if you want to look it up). I've heard arguments against this, saying that you'll have a harder time sleeping if you work out late, however I find it the opposite. Exercise helps lower stress and anxiety, plus makes me feel physically tired, all things that help with sleep. I'd say always wait a while after eating 30-60 min, to avoid feeling heavy and sick. I hope you find what works out best for you! Some also start the day with stretching but workout in the afternoon or evening ๐Ÿ™‚
Honey O.
I tend to exercise in the moring to wake up a little bit and get ready for the day ahead but if i cant he bothered I'll exercise after school
Honey O.
I do it in the morning before work. Sometimes at night before sleep for better sleep or evening when I missed it during the day
Jesse F.
This I donโ€™t know. As a busy mother, wife, and nurse, I find it difficult to find a good time. I want to do it earlier in the day and get it out of the way. But I find I am not yet in a routine in getting myself up early enough to make this happen.
Asta X.
It depends on you as an individual. For me, I prefer in the morning because it sets my tone for the day. I feel more energized after exercising and for most of the day. Also the air tends to be cleaner and much easier on my lungs so I get a better chance at regulating my breathing.