Bessie T.
small healthy snacks that will give you the right amount of energy! usually I got with a mix of nuts and some fresh orange juice (you can prepare it the day before), just avoid supermarket snacks as they are fat and filled with only short energy boosters
Tain S.
I’m a very busy person so the best breakfast on the go if toast with natural peanut butter and a black coffee as a hunger stopper. Then you can get more stuff done with a little bit of caffeine added into your system and you won’t start getting hungry again until around lunch. Probably not the healthiest way to live but it works.
Siew W.
It is okay to eat cereals, bread, grains and oats as my breakfast. I can also combine some fruits and also a cup of milk.
Vanessa E.
I think granola bars are the best breakfast to eat on the go, because I think they're a convenient and healthy snack. Granola bars can be a good source of fiber and protein.