Mahmoud U.
Set a timer for just 5 minutes a day and work on it in tiny manageable chunks each day until you're done. If you have a partner ask them to spend this 5 minutes doing this with you to get it done even faster
Nicholas N.
do a little each day when you find spare time. However, make sure to keep what you cleaned up out and try preventing any further clutter from accumulating underneath. 🙂
Jerusa Z.
Set yourself a timer of let's say 5 minutes and in that 5 minutes, very quickly clean the mess under your bed as much as you can. At least after that time's over, even if it's not 100%, you will have accomplished a lot of cleaning and organising.
Raylee Z.
I feel the same way sometimes or when I do have to time something always comes up. I would just really work on doing it when ever you have even 5 minutes it’s better to start then never start at all
Victoria X.
Maybe taking a section of items, say a qtr of the bedspace. Sorting through these as part of the wind down routine to get ready for bed? Making sure you've a box or bag for items to be sold and or given to charities.
Claire U.
To me, I would differentiate what’s clutter and what is mess. For example, if it’s a bunch of blankets that you’ve made a mess of that day, i would clean it. if it’s a mess that does not really bother you it’s okay to leave it for another time.