What do you write in your journal? Goals of the day, sentiments you want to put on paper, a letter to yourself…?

Shaymaa N.
İ write everything i want to control like a planner or something but each month is different cus not all the months need exam tracker or what you want to change its according to you 😁
Rachel Y.
Most nights, i use it to reflect on things i am grateful for, and maybe talk about my day. When i need it, i use it to sort out my feelings. I also have a saved list of journal prompts if i am looking to reflect but i am not sure how. I am eventually going to get a secknd journal, specifically for making lists and brainstorming ideas.
Ben Y.
I write whatever is on my mind. Organization and planning are distinct activities separate from journaling. Journaling is an opportunity to crystallize my thoughts and actions. To reflect on my dreams and relationships. It’s a free time for me to express myself and put order to my thoughts and emotions.