Henrietta N.
I only have time to eat a sandwich and coffee. Before I go to work. I usually eat before I take a shower and get dressed
Henrietta N.
Well it depends on the foods you like, for instance i like eating oatmeal with nuts, banana and honey 🍯 if available plus its not about food to be energised is about your control over yourself to do what you want with full potential.
Henrietta N.
i love eating avocado toast and a glass of iced coffee. and i have it one hour after i get up. right before i go to shower.
Henrietta N.
It really depends. In my case I find it easier to progressively increase the difficulty of my tasks, but it could also be that you feel better by doing the harder and longer ones first. It's a choice left for you to decide, do you think it takes you more effort to take a shower or make yourself breakfast? Do you prefer starting with harder or easier tasks? After asking yourself, you can decide what really fits best. I personally prefer having a light breakfast after my skin care routine and doing some sport right after it. Maybe I shower then, or in the night, it depends on if I sweat too much or if I have anything coming up that is important. Honestly, it's best if you create your own routine and order, because you may find it easier and it'll give you an actual choice, it's much more fun than following a strict one made/structured by someone else.
Henrietta N.
I think fruit in the morning is very nice and energizing. I normally eat my breakfast after I showered and after dressed myself. Just sometimes I eat it almost straight out of bed.
Henrietta N.
Listening to soothing focus piano music. And my goal is finish the work and then i take a break no matter how much time the work will take
Henrietta N.
I usually have Breakfast after my shower, its after you had a refreshing pampering . I usually relax after Breakfast by fixing myself a healthy smoothie and just lay around and absorb early refreshing peace
Henrietta N.
Early monrns if I wake up hungry. Lemon and hot water and water first, but you have to train your system for a while bfhand. Then it'sproteins, veg in my case. I prefer sour over sweet
Henrietta N.
Really depends but usually I eat anything that is simple to make. I have breakfast usually after I shower or I wait a couple of hours after I wake up to eat
Henrietta N.
I love having some avocado toast or oatmeal porridge with protein shake for breakfast. Especially some hot oatmeal, it’s super filling and keeps me energized until lunch. I usually have breakfast after a short morning exercise or stretch.
Henrietta N.
I always dont have time to eat early in the morning since i always sleep late but when i do have the time i eat it after i drank a glass of water but yea and when do i have it? after waking up you need to stretch for about 1-2 minutes since your waking up your body and then drink and eat your breakfast 🙂
Henrietta N.
Right away after showering and making my plans for the day,it boosts my energy and gives me positivity to start a new day
Henrietta N.
Well when I have a great breakfast with delision foods at first i am thankful abut them beacuse i feel i am so enerjitic and i feel the foods make for me to make me happy and kindness😊
Henrietta N.
I like having smoothie bowls with dried coconut, the reason is it's a small amount of food but it can get you full and up and running for the day. But sometimes I just have a simple eggs and bacon for breakfast. I usually have breakfast at 8:00-9:00 ish
Henrietta N.
I need to be positive towards the idea of exercising, first of all. However I find it difficult since I HATE it, it’s SO Boring.
But I do it FOR the fun part- when you can actually see some results of your exercise, when you can feel that you’re getting stronger!
But I do it FOR the fun part- when you can actually see some results of your exercise, when you can feel that you’re getting stronger!
Henrietta N.
Porridge is really filling so that’s what I usually have. It also makes me feel good knowing that I’ve had a healthy breakfast.
Henrietta N.
Eggs and chicken, time of eating it depends what I have to do in the morning, sometimes I'm hungry as soon as I open my eyes so I only wash my teeth and go eat