What are some quick exercises I can do at home?

Marcus Y.
Press ups and crunches
Cl Ia P.
This app actually gives you some quick exercises to do if you click in the exercise habit! Apart from that, some general exercises that’s are quick are:
1. Squats (there are many different variation so that can make them harder or easier — just make sure you are pressing your weight through your heels instead of leaning forward)
2. Planks (great for abs — make sure your body is all in line – don’t let your butt stick up or sag down)
3. Calf raises (stand on one or two legs and raises yourself up to your toes —hold onto something for support)
4. Leg pulses (stand on one leg with the other one out behind you as close to a 90 degree angle as you can get. Pulse up and down — Thisbe should be a very small motion)
5. V sit (Lying on back, lift head and shoulders off ground and extend legs at a 45 degree angle)

Hope this helps a bit!

David E.
Try nike training app
Walentina O.
Surya namaskar.. one can start with set of 6 thn move to 12 and thn 24. It’s very versatile form of exercise as it combines yoga with exercise. Yoga is where you focus on your breathing. If done at slow pace.. spending more time at each and every step (which again is an aasana in itslef) works as strength exercise and if done at faster pace works as cardio. Set of 12 hardly takes somewhere between 10-15 min
Enzo Y.
Park you car further out for extra steps, stay active instead of watching TV, usually when your craving for snacks it means your dehydrated drink water, always have fresh fruits around for a healthy snack.
Kyle J.
You can do some of planks, push ups, squats, lunges, jumping jacks and lying leg lift.
Maria E.
Just put on some music and dance your butt off with no routine, simple energetic freestyle, for seven minutes, uninterrupted. You’ll be swetty but happy as you only can be.
Brandy C.
Download the Nike app and do the exercises, they are hard but there is a lot of short work out (20 minutes and less)
Svetlana Z.
Jumping jacks, knee-ups, planks, pliés, leg swings, etc.
Cleide Q.
Push ups, sit ups, crunches, squats, etc..
Barbara T.
Dance to your fave music
Lucas G.
A short run on the elliptical machine. A quick yoga video.
Luka O.
Walking up and down the stairs, 5 minutes of yoga, or simply going for a short walk!
Torben Z.
I live in an apartment building with 5 floors so my easy answer is to just walk up and down the stairs, but if I didn’t have stairs I would just go for a walk. I have to walk my dogs every morning, so that one happens regardless, they just have to stop here and there, so I feel less focused. Another option if I am feeling like staying inside is to do a morning sun salutation. This doesn’t necessarily get your blood flowing, but it will engage your muscles and get them working. Also great for back pain!