Aryll Q.
Well I like to eat cereals and besides that,,, hmmm probably bananas or bread and egg,,,, these are my go-to breakfast meals cause they are so fulfilling. I do wanna try those Korean breakfast meals cause they seem soooo tasty!!!
Josefo S.
My favorite option is a sliced banana with a spoonful of Nutella. Very satisfying and you can get some hazelnuts' nutrient too. Hope you enjoy it.
Jarbas Q.
Oatmeal, greek yogurt with fruit, whole grain high fiber cereal, I like to make my own cereal with quinoa, sweet potatoes, nuts and berries. Protein shakes are my personal favorite and best breakfast recommendation in general, though not always high in carbohydrates. Hope this helps!
Karin F.
Slow carbs! Like hard bread or sourdough or rye. Oatmeal (with oats, water and salt, maybe add a few non-sweetened berries or non-sweetened peanutbutter).
Tilly R.
Rolled oats, whole grain multigrain bread, ground flaxseed, almond flour muffins, whole great tortillas filled with protein.