Almond Butter
Vanilla whey
Almond milk
That said, I would use berries (superfood), banana (feel good factor!), avocado (good for skin repair I believe?) maybe some ginger or turmeric? I’m now more intrigued and curious myself to know what others would use…can that be answered?
Peanut butter for creaminess
Water for hydration
Coconut for yumminess
Baby spinach leaves for vitamins
Dates for fibre and sweetness
Pears are nice
Oats help to make the smoothie more filling. Stick ‘em in a jar overnight in the fridge with some water to soften them up. Add a tiny pinch of salt for flavour (trust me)
Kiwis help with absoption of carbs, consider adding one along with oats, it creates a nice sour-ish counterpoint.
Vanilla essence seems to make things taste sweeter and adds to the body of the smoothie. Cut back on some sugar and add vanilla.
Bananas. But peel them, break them into chunks and freeze them beforehand. This makes for a smoother and creamier alternative to ice.
Sesame seeds. These go well with honey and they add a depth of flavour if they’ve been slightly browned beforehand.
Lettuce is okay, if you’re into that.
I’m thinking of investigating Turmeric.
Berries are nice with some plain yoghurt, just don’t overdo it, else the smoothie may end up too acidic.
Apple and cinnamon go well together. Blend these with oats for a comforting winter smoothie (no need for ice, the oats add thickness) consider adding a clove or two as well.
But answering your question, if you do it: mostly greens, like spinach, broccoli, etc..
Nonfat greek yogurt
Baby kale/spinach
Hemp hearts
Coconut milk
Powdered peanut butter
Chia seeds
I would not use these all at once (gross) but these are my go to mix ups/ins.
I love combinations of carrot, beet, and spinach. Separately, I like apple, carrot celery, ginger. Separately, I like frozen bananas with fresh orange juice and berries. I haven't tried adding protein powder to any of these, but I can imagine it in the fruit ones. Same for yogurt.
Nuts, peanut butter, berries, chia seeds, flaxseed, plain yogurt, unsweetened nut milk, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger
Vegan protein powder
Splash of vanilla
frozen banana
frozen mango chunks
1/2 tsp. organic turmeric powder
Dash of black pepper for the turmeric
1 tsp. organic coconut oil
Honey to taste
Dash of cinnamon