Virginia Z.
I begin with the most important task of the day, or the one I dread the most. (All to take place after my stretch and workout and stretch again)
Then I list the second important task for the day and then the minor quick tasks after this.
I also add in time for dinner and my down time complete with the time I plan to unplug, and shut down an hour before I tuck in for the night.
Have fun and enjoy your day.
Steven U.
I write down around 5-10 things I need to get done in the near future and then prioritise the top 3 that will make the most impact!
Jessica P.
I make a paper things to do and a note in my phone list of things to do. It feels good to be able to cross the things off the list when done. Take care of what you can. Dont punish yourself for what you cant. Make sure you take care of the I need to do this now stuff first.
Mildred U.
I love to buy a beautiful planner every January. This includes a section to write down your goals, dreams, and aspirations for the coming year that can be reflected upon. There is a section for a dailey to do list that I use. The first 3 lines are separated from the rest for your most important tasks.
Axelle S.
Todoist app. I have three projects priority 1, 2 and 3. Each morning I check all tasks that are not prioritized and prioritize those. Then I check if there is any tasks on prio 2 and prio 3 that needs to be upgraded. All the prio 1 taska have deadline attached to them.
Erazana F.
Well I work better with writing in a diary. My phone takes longer for me. Writing it down every night for the upcoming day. I use highlighters because I’m a visual person. So I like to draw and scratch out. I also draw when I’m on the phone. How bout you
Matthew Z.
Todoist App.
Thruout the day I put things in the inbox. In the mornings while walking I move them from the inbox to timeblocks. Throughout the day I can see my google calendar and know what I should be doing and how much free time I have. I often re arrange as well. I try not to add more tasks after the morning of.
Thruout the day I put things in the inbox. In the mornings while walking I move them from the inbox to timeblocks. Throughout the day I can see my google calendar and know what I should be doing and how much free time I have. I often re arrange as well. I try not to add more tasks after the morning of.
Marion J.
Just think about what needs to be done. Most important things first. Hardest things first 🥇
Work hard put in the volume at work everyday.
Workout at the gym.
Eat healthy. Avoid mistakes. Get better and make relationships better. Be positive and make a positive difference.
Just do it ✔️
Work hard put in the volume at work everyday.
Workout at the gym.
Eat healthy. Avoid mistakes. Get better and make relationships better. Be positive and make a positive difference.
Just do it ✔️