Quick and easy morning exercise routines?

Keyth N.
I try to go for something simple for abs, arms and legs. I try to do 10 of each: sit-ups, push-ups and squats, although I personally do tricep dips instead of push-ups. When I'm feeling well or motivated, I go for 20 of each, and when I don't feel so good or I'm running out of time, I go for 2 or 4 of each, just to keep the habit going. Before knowing it, I had a full week of 10s and 20s when I used to do 2s for 3 to 5 days a week, it does get better.
H L Na N.
I liked Fabulous's 7 min routine. Quick and effective.
Also taking a short run (up to 30min) every other day. No need to think too much, just getting out the door…
Starlight C.
Well currently I wake up at 7am and have a glass of water and make my bed. I then proceeded to have a dance party by myself in my pajamas. I then do my skincare and get dressed. Afterwards I do yoga and meditate. I eat a nice breakfast and start School or video games.
Isabella I.
I exercise in the afternoon are usually take my dog for a walk or are usually just walk around the house and walk around outside or are usually play outside with my siblings like today I played hide and go seek with my dog sign in on my brothers and I walked around at the fair today so I got lots of exercise today will get me motivated to do it is that I know that I feel good afterwards and it’s good for my body and my heart
Henny R.
According to me while we are making breakfast for us it requires alot of moving and i take it as an excercise which i can do while doing my work.
Nilsa A.
Hi! During summer break I've been walking or dancing as my morning exercise but during the school year I'll do yoga in the morning! I really love it because my modivation levels are never consistent especially in the mornings, so I can change the difficulty level depending on my modivation that morning! Yoga is great cause it can be super challenging or really relaxing and there are a bunch of amazing YouTube videos you can try out! Hope this helped!!
George P.
Simple morning workout routine can include ; STRETCHING :stretch your body for two minutes ,listen to your body and do whatever feels good . You can also take it up a notch by doing a couple of planks ..
Maisie T.
I'm not a professional on this. But what I normally do myself is I take 8 minutes to do this exercise: 20 pushup, 20 squats, 50 sit ups, plank (as long as possible). 20 donkey kicks on each leg and some star jumps to finish off.
Jonathan P.
Yoga. I have found that through my yoga practice I can do it for your 5mins or 1 hour and I will feel the effect immediately after. It helps with my mindfulness and it also helps my body feel great. There are so many great videos on YouTube that I just pop on my phone or computer and it's like they are in my room with me.
Laura V.
If I have time I like to go for a walk on the week end for example but usually I prefer stretching exercises. It relaxes me as I tend to be stressed at work and during my sleep. I have about 10 exercises that I do in and out of my bed.
Tobias Z.
I do 4 sets of excercises and cycle through them for a set time but change the 4 from day to day. Low impact jumping jacks, squatts, pushbacks, crunches, pull ups, front kicks, back kicks are some of my go-to, but I have a couple fitness apps where I pick up other ideas to mix into them. This is not only so things dont get stale and boring but change up your targeted muscles as well.