Ruth C.
I have an important action file in a desk drawer, and a vertical file on top of the desk with three slots, one "mail box" for each person who receives mail here. No one else is allowed to bring in the mail unless they place it directly into my hand. Lost mail is a serious disruption. I never set it down until it is sorted. Some mail goes into the trash. Mail for others goes into the appropriate mail box, and mail that I need to respond to is put in my action file. Later actions include paying bills, responding to requests for information, or just filing in my permanent records files. Other people check their "mail boxes" every time they drop by and use these mail boxes to send messages or items to others. That way I'm not always the middleman.
Nichole N.
I walk straight to the garbage can and throw(recycle) the junk Mail! It never even enters the house! Depending on how many envelopes to open I’ll open outside and throw the everything but the one piece I need! ie., statement or bill or card. A lot of my bills come with junk inside and a return envelope which I don’t use so I try to dispose of those. Another way to keep mail clutter at bay is to sign up for paperless statements if offered.