Camilla X.
Set a timer and create a list that focuses on a specific area that requires tidying up. Commit to work efficiently for the designated time you choose and confirm with yourself the reward for cleaning the target area. A reward can be as simple as: satisfaction of a cleaner environment, allowing yourself to watch a new Netflix Show, a nap, a chai latte etc. Any incentive that you choose. Towards the end of the year it's always mind clearing to walk into the new year with things you needed accomplished complete.
Adeline R.
Find a good podcast, for me it helps to do some automatic action (cleaning is perfect for this) so i can consentrate on listening to what is being said (i can recommend true crime like «crime junkie»)
Mijo O.
Putting on a timer for ten minutes and then cleaning as much as you can during that time, once I get started on it it's easy to keep going
Anna N.
I try a deep work mentality, see how much I can do in 20 minutes. I keep dusters in pretty boxes near the places I often think need dusting so I have one to hand when I see the dust. I try and do the same tasks at the same time each week, vacuuming, mopping, changing bedsheets. But mostly just do it as soon as you see it needs doing. Do it for your mental and physical health, and for the mental and physical health of those you share your home with. Good luck!