NOW, I use Google docs as a hub for my to do lists. I created a business/hobby list and home/habits list. Large lists, like a year's worth type of lists. I combined then to create a timeline "pool" where I designate a time to complete to each task and other then by priority. I have half of my year planned (for being productive in my free time).
I created a daily list. This is where I put household chores and appointments to remember. But it evolved when I made my timeline. If I made chores and simple tasks routine and second nature, I would be able to focus on lifelong progress.
That's what I did, and each day I pull from that timeline. Seeing how far ahead I can get. I let a lot of things I wanted to do just build up and collect dust… But thanks to my new process, I can see the finish line. Once I cross that, there won't be any more "to do lists" hanging over my head.
All that and I could just say I currently have 5 to dos created. Every day is a day to do!
I am much busier at work now, but I only get time on weekends to properly sit down and figure out what's next and what do I need to do, so i jot a to do list specifically for work that I tend to grow and complete throughout the week. My work system works pretty well for me, but my work system – not so much. I think I have too many projects going on and I'm trying still to find the perfect notebook..