Btw you look beautiful and your loved, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise xx
I like to block off time for school work at a daily time – if my teacher gives me assignments, I can spend that time on assignments. If I don't have assignments, I use that time to review notes and prepare what I call a "consolidation sheet" of important concepts.
When tasks arise, I write them immediately down in my planner's to do list. I don't wait for the morning. The morning to do list review is mostly to reread what I have written in my planner and making a decision on how I will spend my day, and extra things I did not write before.
The benefit of a planner is that you can set up to do lists for future specific days. Mine also has an additional space on the side for tasks that I need to do but am not writing into specific days.
So the answer: I suggest reviewing and writing a to do list first thing in the morning, and adding to the list immediately when your teacher gives you assignments.
Start with the things you do know (maybe you want to empty your bin, or throw out some old clothes, do 2 hours of revision for x subject) and then edit it once you know what your teacher wants you to do.
The most valuable thing about a to-do list is the routine of putting your daily goals down onto paper! Manifesting your goals this way makes you way more likely to achieve them.