I hope this is useful 😉
It could be nature sounds, the latest novel in your liked genre, or Ted talks.
Inspiring stories or science based research.
Set the sound to as low as possible. Set a timer on your device to turn all apps off at a certain time.
I also do a 5 posture yoga sequence before bed that helps with deeper sleep.
If it really bothers you, you'll try something new.
My personal favourite channels are Fred’s Voice, ASMR Latte, ASMR TingTing and Ephemeral Rift.
Or if this idea don't work than turn your phone off or whatever suits you
Also try to turn off screens like 1-2 hours before bedtime, or if that is too much for you, use blue screen filters. But for me personally it really helps to shut off all devices, so I can do the thinking before I go to bed.
Tea with lavender in it might also help?
A really good book on this whole topic is The Power of When. I am currently listening to it on audible and it already taught me a lot. Maybe you are going to bed at the wrong time? The guy who wrote the book also has a Ted talk, I forget his name, but Google will find it for you.
I hope one of the ideas was helpful! Also sorry for any mistakes, I am not a native speaker…
Stay strong and don't give up! I am proud of you for trying to change something. You can do it. Don't forget to smile! 🙂
Whatsoever, it’s ok. It’s perfectly fine that you can’t sleep and have trouble with having a nice sleep. Remember, success won’t happen in one night, but the whole journey might 🙂 Keep your hope and your consistency, you can do it!
Know that your mind work even harder while sleeping so don't thing about shutting down thoughts.
I hope you will become better. One thing I have to tell you… DON'T TURN TO THE PHONE IF YOU CAN'T SLEEP. Passing out while using the phone is not healthy for you ( also the blue light from the screens will harm your sleep quality ). Also try to sleep and get up *at the same time*, exercise a bit during the day, eat well, drink, relax before going to bed. As you see, many things will affect your sleeping. Try to get better at all that little by little. And remember, you can get better! Good luck!!
Since this is a habit to fall asleep, there must be a pattern of “when to fall asleep.” While using the phone, set an alarm to remind me 10 minutes, or any appropriate time, before I usually fall asleep. When the alarm comes off, I simply put down the phone, no matter how interesting and intriguing it is, just stop.
Usually however I put my phone on charge in another room and I have a good book ALWAYS on the go on my paperwhite kindle so I can read it on a low light level in the dark. I fall asleep with it in my hand and manage to stuff it under my pillow. If I am having a bad time I occasionally get back up and go and write in a journal, just on and on until my head is empty and I can't be bothered to write anything else out.
I hope this helps
2. Think about the reasons of scrolling need (psychology)
3. Count sheep 🐑
Meditating before going to bed would also help you to stop getting caught up in your mind. You don't have to get lost in thoughts, nor is it necessary to distract yourself from them if you learn to meditate.
Important: sleep while it plays dont get up to pause it.
Tip: You can pick an audiobook that you have already heard so you won't worry that you will miss something if you sleep.
If you’re trying to stop looking at a screen, try a book on tape so you can listen to it and set a sleep timer.
It's really not that difficult